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  Chapter 3~
✿Taeyung's perspective✿  

"Okay so... What do you have in mind?" Jimin asks me now standing on my bed.

"Well, remember today when we went to the pillow shop? Well, you obviously do and uhm... there was this guy I saw on the window, a homeless person. And I want to help him, somehow.. After you left I tried to give him my hoodie and money but he did not accept it."

The look Jimin is giving me right now is very strange as if he has just woke up from coma and he doesn't remember anything, me included.

"What?" I ask puzzled.

"You just wanted to help someone? All alone? What has gotten into you?"

"Nothing, I just want to help him.. I don't know why but I have this feeling..."

The orange haired guy in front of me gives me a "Ohh" look and then I continue my idea.

"So.. since he's not accepting anything out of pity I thought we could go tonight when he's probably asleep and leave my hoodie next to him, some food and I don't know, maybe some money."

"That's such a great idea! I'm in."


"I feel like a little angel, helping people in need! WOAH THIS FEELS GREAT-" Jimin delighted says, stopped by me covering his mouth with my hand.

"Shut up! You're going to wake people up." I whisper shout at him.

"Ok, sorry.." He says defeated.

We are now, at 1 am in front of my house, our hands carrying some bags filled with  goods for the raven boy in need of help. I should not have seen him yesterday, because now I feel the constant need to help him, to check on him and to make sure he's totally fine and I don't understand why. I should not care, I usually don't care because back in the old days people always treated me like a trashbag and since then, when my only help was Jimin, I decided not to help anyone besides him.

But there is something about this guy.. It may be the look in his eyes, looking just like me back in the days. He seems as empty as I was, as sad and I want to change that, I don't want anyone to feel the way I did when my mom would come drunk home from God knows where, when she and my dad would fight with me screaming on the backround at them to stop.

Abusive father and alcoholic mother are the best terms to describe my childhood. Everything was so hard to take, to endure that's why.. maybe the reason why I want to take care of him and protect him from all the bad things from this large world is that he may have endured the same cruel treatment as a child as I did, or maybe not. Who knows? All I know is that I really want to help him.


As I predicted, the guy is now sleeping peacefully on the bench. He is probably far away from this cruel world, probably dreaming about a better one.

"And now what hyung?" Jimin asks loud enough to make me slap his shoulder.

"Shut up! You are going to wake him up"

"Right, sorry! And now what hyung?" He asks once again, now whispering.

"Well it is simple. I'll take the bags and leave them next to him."
He nods as I get closer to the bus station, close enough to hear his breathing, the only sound that is interrupting the peaceful quiet night, close enough to see him shiver in his sleep. Now I realise, it's pretty cold outside and he's sleeping on the ground with a t-shirt, fabric that can't protect him so much from the coldness.

Now I am standing above him, with my feet close to his cold body. I let the bags down and then I pull out a blanket from one of them, covering the raven boy with it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2018 ⏰

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