Hiding beneath the covers

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Karlie groaned as she drowsily opened her eyes , she was currently wrapped in blankets and was taking a stress nap before the sudden disturbance, she annoyingly  yelled back, "WHAT IS IT KIMBERLY?"
Karlie was confused she checked her phone it read 10:07 pm, who the fuck came at this hour because she knew all of her friends were most probably dozing as well after a hectic and shitty day at work.
She tiredly got out of bed not caring she was only in her sports bra and shorts as she made her way down the stairs, "Who's at the door kimber....." she stoped dead in her tracks as her gaze met a pair of ocean blue eyes which she was dying to see all day, "Tay?"
In her living room sat the blue eyed angel she loved so dearly, "Hey Karls" Taylor greeted her shyly noticing the older girl's attire and mindlessly licking her lips checked her out shamelessly, karlie noticed this and smirked, she made her way to the breathless blonde and hugged her, she seductively whispered in her ear, "I missed you Tayyy", the goosebumps on Taylor's neck were evident and she silently whispered back, "I missed you more karls", Karlie pulled away fron the embrace and gazed at Taylor's heavily dilated pupils before a cough interrupted they're impure thoughts, they both turned aroud to see kimberly leaning on the doorframe, "It's really great to see you again Taylor, karlie can't shutup talking about you I swear she's even more of a bigger fangirl than me", karlie blushed and sent daggers towards kimberly but was again interrupted "Karlie, kimberly who was at the door?" Her mom came into the room and before she could say more she stopped dead in her tracks and with an openly shocked expression stared at Taylor dumbfounded, "Either my growing age is making me see things or is Taylor swift standing in our living room?" Taylor laughed, she was used to these kind of reactions, "No Mrs Kloss, your seeing just fine" Taylor chuckled at the surprised older woman as she made her way to meet her, the mother of 4 smiled, pulled her into lovingly embrace "Now that won't do just call me Tracy, any friend of karlie's is a friend of mine especially if she's Taylor swift", Taylor laughed and was overjoyed by the older woman's kindness.
Karlie coughed sheepishly "Mommmm stop embarrassing me", her mom just laughed "OKAY OKAY...come on kimberly let's leave these two kids alone", karlie breathed a sigh of relief as the two exited the room and closed the door.
Taylor smirked, "I really like your family." Karlie laughed "Yeah they seem to really like you too Tay", Taylor made her way towards the taller girl and wrapped her arms around her neck, pulling her close, Karlie's breath hitched but she reacted by wrapping her ams around the smaller girl's waist, "I missed you today Karls" she whispered looking into her green orbs which were now dilated as well, karlie licked her lips in response and wasted no time in reuniting their lips, hands entangled onto each other, hot breaths, skin touching skin, they both could get used to this sensation.
As Taylor pulled back to breathe her cold fingertips brushed against Karlie's exposed abdomen making the taller girl shiver "You look so hot I could just take you right here if your parents werent in the other room" Taylor stated lustfully admiring her lovers sculptured body, karlie chuckled, "As much as I'd love to, you're right Taylor swift or not my parents would kill me for ruing their furniture" Taylor laughed and pulled her close again just enjoying the warm embrace, she could feel karlie leaving small kisses along her jawline and cheek, she lovingly kissed her temple before grabbing her hand and heading out, "Let's go see what's for dinner shall we?" Taylor grinned and followed her towards the kitchen, "I could get used to this" she thought as she glanced at their intertwined hands lovingly.
After dinner, Taylor decided to stay over at Karlie's place that night. Karlie gave her a pair of extra short shorts and a t-shirt, Taylor smirked when she realized karlie purposely gave her the short shorts, as she came out after changing karlie bit her lip trying hard not to stare at Taylor but how could she not she looked fucking flawless in everything.
Taylor made her way towards karlie on the bed and snuggled into her chest, karlie smiled and wrapped her arms around Taylor's small frame, "Karlie?" Taylor looked up into the taller girl's eyes, "Yeah babe?" Karlie replied sounding a bit worried, "Everything okay?", Taylor nodded and snuggled deeper into her arms, "I told Tree about us and.....", Karlie's breath got caught in her throat as her mind went back to the unexpected text the older girl had sent her that morning, she was estatic at the new step they were going to take but at the same time she was nervous as hell, Taylor continued,"And she's really happy for us", karlie gave a sigh of relief and kissed Taylor's forehead, "That's great babe I'm really glad she accepted us."
Taylor grabbed Karlie's hand and gave it a small kiss, "But she told me that right now isn't a good time to come out....the paparazzi  might target you and I don't want you getting hurt Karls, they'll start spreading false rumors about you and the whole idea of us so we have to wait, is that okay with you because I only want you to be happy and safe karls", Karlie's heart leaped at Taylor's words, she grabbed her face and pressed a loving kiss to her lips which Taylor melted into almost immediately, pulling back karlie rested her forehead against Taylor's, "Tay, I totally understand and you don't have to worry about me at all okay? I know what I was getting into the first moment your lips met mine and I will never regret that decision, ever. I love you beyond anything and I am the happiest when I'm by your side, I don't care if we have to hide...as long as we're together I don't give a shit about anything or anyone." As soon as karlie finished Taylor felt tears forming in her eyes, tears of happiness, "I love you too karlie, so so much", karlie smiled and gave a small peck on her lips.
After a long session of cuddling and whispering sweet nothings into each others ears, they both decided it was too late to be up, Taylor rested her head against Karlie's chest and fell into a deep slumber happy and content, Karlie gazed lovingly at her lovers sleeping face and turned off the lights before pulling the sheets over them, hiding beneath the covers, karlie couldn't be more happier as she closed her eyes.

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