chapter 15

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"Maybe its over now, but that doesn't means that I'll never stop loving you."

Kellie Bowman P.O.V.

I wake up with my head not hurting as much as usual, and Austin not laying beside me on our bed.

I know, he didn't come with us to the club... And I'm not sure how it happened but he found me kissing Sebastian.

Fuck, he's going to kill me.
But maybe he forgives me.

"Baby?" I call out, getting up from the bed and heading out.

I probably look like trash, but it's not like he hasn't seen me like this and I always wake up before him so it's unusual for him not to be beside me.

I find him in the living room, his head in his hands.

There might not be a way out of this.


I pull my hands down, tugging on his shirt.
"Off." I whisper against his lips.

"We can't yet, Kellie." Sebastian says as he pulls away from me completely.

"We've been kissing for the past twenty minutes, whats the problem now?" I snap.
"You'll run back to him. You'll always run back to him." Sebastian confesses.

"Thats not-" I cut myself off when Sebastian turns me around... And I come face to face with Austin.


He looks more furious than mad as he turns around, about to walk away.
"Baby?" And Sebastian is correct because I chase after him.

"Don't baby me, we'll go home and talk about it tomorrow." He harshly grabs my wrist, pulling me out of the club and to his car.

"I think I'll stay here." I inform him but he gives me a look as he opens the passenger door car.

"Get it." He sounds scary, reminding me of Micheal.

He lets go of my wrist and I hurry into seating down. He closes his door, making his way around the car and to the drivers spot.

"You know, you shouldn't be mad at me. It should be at The Jar. He made me do it." I blurt out.

"What was that about The Jar?" He asks as he drives away.

"Nothing, who said anything about that." I lie.

Did I really confessed about it? The girls are going to kill me.


"I was drunk, I was gone," I speak up, coming up to him which causes him to look at me with bloody red eyes.

He's been crying.

"That doesn't make it right, but I promise there were no feelings involved." I add, at least he didn't find out about the jar.

"Princess, tell me honestly. Was it real or just for show?"

"I was just drunk, okay Austin? Can we forget about this? Move on?" I ask him, wanting to change the topic. I don't know if I confessed about the jar or not and I don't want to remind him just in case.

But I curse it because he reaches under the couch, and takes out a jar.

The Jar.

"I just gotta know." You can hardly hear his voice, is low and it's breaking.

I want to run up to him, into his arms. But I can't because I know I fucked up. I fucked up so bad. And there's no going back, no time machine.

"I'll admit, it's my fault." I say, but not the complete truth.

"How long?"

"Only twice, but you gotta believe me when I say twice. It was just sleeping with you and agree on the first date." I confess, maybe if he knows the truth he'll stay with me. He won't leave me.

But he stands up, grabbing a bag right beside him.

How did I not notice it? Our- My whole apartment has his things missing.

"Austin, no! Okay, so what? Was it a dare in a paper? But I love you, I fell for you. Okay?! You're the one that I love! I found love where it wasn't supposed to be. Right in front of me." I grab his wrist, pulling him to turn around and face me.

"Why didn't you tell me? You had multiple chances?!"

Even though we're yelling at each other, we're both shredding a few tears. But I know it hasn't hit me yet, I know that.

"I've never woken up in a cold hard sweat from a dream, wondering if you'd ever say goodbye if I didn't say it first. I had no more drinking up to my loneliness up till two am. " I can't tell him, I just can't.

But he pulls his wrist away from my grip.

"I- I had this boyfriend, Michael and he hurt me, he cheated on me countless of times but I stayed with him... Because he would hit me if I ever tried to leave him. I wasn't trying to do it to you cause he did it to me. Just please don't leave, we can talk it out." I speak up, I can't lose him.

"It's over, Kellie."

And I let him leave because it's my fault that I let this happened. He deserves someone better, someone, who won't hurt him like I did.


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