Chapter 10: The New Girl

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Sabrina's POV
The next day, I walked up to Ava at school.
"Look I'm really sorry about yesterday," I said kind of ashamed.
"No it was my fault, I know you already have a lot on you and didn't mean to make assumptions," Ava said. We hugged for a very long time.

Camillas POV
At practice, Chelsea skates up to me. She was pretty mad, the past two weekends without Sabrina and Ava, I had won first and Chelsea was always in second.
"What's your secret?" She said in a aggressive tone, " Are you on some performance enhancing drugs or something?"
" First of all, in not smart enough to get those and second of all, something really must be up your spine if your losing all of the sudden." I shot back a little too bravely. I could see the rage in Chelseas eyes getting ready to do something, but Coach Jen walked in. She had some girl beside her. "Everyone, this Tara Coleman." Tara had blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She looked like she had come straight out of an anime, her hair was wavy blonde, and her big blue eyes were bigger than any other eyes I had ever seen. When she got on the ice, her moves were perfection, I even saw Chelsea caught off guard.
"Wow, Tara where did you train before this?"
Coach Jen asked.
"Um in California, I made pre Olympic trials, but I broke my elbow so I had to drop out," she said shyly.
"Our next competition is Saturday, the whole state is competing, only three skaters from the whole state will get to compete at nationals," Coach Jen said. "I'll put together a last minute routine for you, but you'll have to come every day this week."
"I can do that," Tara said optimistically.
I felt a twinge of jealousy, this new girl moves in here and her first day she already is given the chance to compete at regionals! I mean how fair is that?!

Ava's POV
Lanie and Camilla told me about the new girl. I saw Justin eyeing her in the hallway. She was really pretty, almost too pretty, perfect almost. Her long blonde hair draped perfectly around her face and she was wearing a fuzzy pink sweater with a really short skirt. I wondered if she was a prep at her old school. Justin eyes her in the hallway, I punched his shoulder.
"Remember me your girlfriend?" I said sarcastically.
He didn't say anything. I had some classes with this Tara girl, but she seemed really shy, she never said anything to anyone.
After school, I went to skating practice where I also saw this girl. Her warm up jacket said San Francisco Wolves and had skates printed on the back of it. That must've been her old skating team. State champs were this Saturday and Pair skating regionals were next month.
We practiced our routines; and Tara's was good; I mean REALLY good. I didn't know if I would be able to beat that.
"Wow Tara learned her routine in 4 days girls," Coach Jen said to us. " You gotta step up your game girls." I sighed.

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