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Flo's POV...


"FLORENCE!" A stranger screamed from downstairs anger evident in their voice. "COME DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!"

It was my foster dad... he was drunk... again...

"Yea, yea I'll be down in a minute." I said nonchalant. I had gotten used to the drunken yelling.

Yet, he would apologize every. single. time. Almost as if he remembered everything that happened the night prior... Or maybe he wasn't even drunk at all... and this was just a sick game of his...

After about ten minutes I decided to come downstairs and confront the man who was supposed to raise me, but as you can see he was doing a shitty job.

"WHY THE FUCK DID YOU NOT COME DOWN HERE WHEN I TOLD YOU!" He practically screamed at me.

"I was trying to wait until you calmed down, but as I can see you're no where near calm..." I said said with a bit of sarcasm in my voice.

I guess he picked up on that smart ass remark so I earned a strong back hand across the face that made me fall the the ground with a loud thump.

When I regained my composure I looked up trying to hide my tears. Forcing myself to hide my pain.

"Now, why don't you learn how not to smart off at me like that." He said in annoyance.

"Yes, sir." I said in defeat.

"Go in the kitchen and cook dinner." He said demandingly. "And if you fuck it up you won't get any.

I only nodded in response. Quickly walking into the kitchen I started making dinner.

While making dinner I overheard the TV. It was the news talking about Sentinel Services making yet another mutant arrest for "disorderly" actions.

Sometimes I actually wished that I was a mutant so I could beat the shit out of my so called guardian. Be careful what you wish for...

I was so lost in thought that I didn't realize I burnt his food until it was to late...

Everything after that happened so quickly.

"I TOLD YOU NOT FUCK IT UP YOU BITCH!" He screamed extremely angry.

"I'm sorry. I-I can remake it." I said so quickly that I started to studder.

What he did next was something even I wouldn't have expected and he's put me through hell.

He glared at me then picking up the skillet that had hot oil in its splashed it on me.

A excruciating pain radiated on the skin of my chest. I started screaming until my throat became raw.

I stood up as quickly as I could and tried to run out of the door, but he grabbed the back of my shirt and snatched me back towards him.

I finally was able to overpower him by kicking him in the groin as hard as I could. He yelled and fell to the ground. I finally made it out the door and continued running, but it wasn't to long before I heard him come out of the door screaming my name. If I wasn't able to outrun him he was going to kill me...

I came to the edge of a hill and tripped. It was so dark I couldn't see anything. I felt the freezing water engulf my body and then I finally knew where I was...

I had no sense of direction with it being so dark. I felt as if this was the end for me. The water was freezing yet peaceful, until I breathed it in. My lungs exploded into bursts of excruciating pain. As I felt what remained of my consciousness slip away. The water around me seemed to lift me up and pull me out of it. Like it had a mind of its own.

When the water drifted me back to dry ground I passed out. I woke up by violently coughing up a lot of water. I had a pounding headache, the burn from the night prior was still evident on my chest, and my face was still throbbing from where I was slapped. The worst night of my life to say the least.

I stood up and started walking back towards the house that caused me all this hell in the first place...

I figured since my foster dad would most likely be passed out from the one to many beers he had the night before. I could just sneak in, grab what little things I still had left, and get the hell out of that house.

I decided to climb the side of my house to get to my room rather than going through the front door. When I made it to my window I opened and fell in with a light thump.

I grabbed a duffel bag and stuffed it full with everything I owned. I grabbed a dry outfit and took a really quick hot shower.

If he didn't hear me fall into my window then he definitely wouldn't hear me take a shower... Right?

When I was out I dressed in warmer clothes and stuffed my wet clothes into a separate bag.

When I was done I grabbed all of my bags and tossed them out of the window. Then I climbed down and picked them up. After that I left. For good...


Hey, hey, hey I (j-) hoped you liked that! (Also as you can see that was my horrible attempt at a pun don't sue me)

Also, I just gave a little insight into Florence's past. I'm sorry but her past was more extreme compared to Nova's (which I will mention in a later chapter!)

I love writing, but I am such a procrastinator when it comes down to it! So sorry for the delayed chapters! Ill try and do better!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2018 ⏰

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