S's really long rant about things that don't matter

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S: Guys, you'll never believe this. (Actually you might, it's not that shocking). So anyways, for the past three years (since I've lived in Uzbekistan) I keep getting sinusitis, which is a pretty bad sickness, and for some reason the dates of my sickness always fall onto when I have to go to a competition. In Uzbekistan there are a bunch of competitions for just about every subject, and one of the main ones is the English competition cause everyone sucks at English (it's not a native language here). And once again, it was about two weeks before the competition (but I didn't know that, I thought I had one month left) and I get sinusitis, and I was like ok, everything's fine, I'll get better in time for the competition. And then on the one day that I did go to school (after getting mostly better) (and not going to school for a week) everyone told me the competition is in 2 days, and I said ok, and started memorizing the book. I went home that day (it was Tuesday) and I realized my leg is not right for some reason. And then I realized that my leg is twisted and I can't walk and I freaked out, because that super important competition is in two days! So, we went to the doctors the next day, and they told me nothing was wrong and I just need to have bed rest for the next five days, and we agreed, but I still went to the competition. With everything that was going on with my ankle, no one really cared about my sinusitis anymore, so of course, knowing my terrible luck, it's gotten worse than before, even though it was almost competition ever the day before the competition. Like I always say "I'm pretty sure I have an allergy to that competition".

S: also, I'm kind of grounded for the day, so if I happen to drop off the grid for another week, it means my dad found out that I disobeyed his "one day, no phone" rule, and the punishment is of course "one week no phone".

K: Oh wow. You had a bad week. Well, if it makes you feel any better my field trip that me and my friends work so hard to get enough people to go got canceled for exams...

R: Damn guys that sucks :(

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