S's second really long rant about things that dont matter

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S: This basically the following this is a follow up of the last rant (it's about the same thing at least. Also, it's going to be in italics because I don't want it to be a long blob and I want to make sure you guys know what's me and what's not.

S: Anyone who has the patience to read all this is either a saint, really bored, or a true best friend. I won't blame any of you if you guys don't read it, I know I wouldn't (okay, that's a lie, I would, because I have nothing else to do, but I'd be silently judging whoever wrote almost two thousand words over basically nothing, so that doesn't really count).

So basically you guys know about the competitions that I attend every year, and they're a huge deal and everyone wants to win  and whatever. So this year, after the president got changed (the last one died), the education systems flipped and now we have school till 11th grade, rather then 9th and then three years of college/Lyceum which is mandatory. Since this is the first year, we only have tenth graders right now, and I'm not going to explain anything else about that system because everything is so screwed up right now that I'm going to enter university while I'm 16, my brother is 17, my cousin is 17 and my other cousin is 18, and we're all entering together(same year). That's how screwed up things are. Also, that has very little to do with my actual rant, but whatever, I figure you guys should know about how messed up things are right now.

So anyways, this is my third year entering this competition (every year the dates switches) and the first year, I got up to regionals (the fourth round) and I got first place, meaning I was supposed to go to nationals, but the date for nationals was in the summer, which I went to America for. The second place winner went instead, who I happened to be friends with. So the next year, (last year from right now) I went all the way to regionals, was informed that there was cheating in Nationals by my friend who went in my place and I competed. That year the test was online, and were 97% sure that the test scores were rigged with our names based on our past performances, because all the smart kids lost and two idiots got first and second place. We all said "okay whatever" and continued with our lives. Now this year, I already told you guys what happened with the first one.

So remember I always get sick when competing? Right, so this time I didn't get sick, in fact I was perfectly healthy, which worried me (because of my track record) and I competed. The competition is a two day competition once you get to the higher rounds. This was the within the city and I should have won. On the first day, we wrote essays and had a speaking round. I wrote my essay in a third of the time and wrote double the required amount of words. I was super confident in my essay and I was the first to go for the speaking round because I got first place in the first round of the competition. I got ten out of ten and I was super excited. More for the bragging rights, because there were a bunch of people who didn't think I would do well (even though I'm the one who wins every year) or maybe they were just egging me on. I don't know. But basically I though i would get 50/50 or at least 45/50, but then my teacher told that she thought that the first day was out of 40 points, so when I saw that I got 30 points for the essay the next day, I was pumped and ready to shove it in a lot of faces, only to realize that it was actually out of fifty points and that my essay only got 75%. I didn't understand how that was possible, but I didn't question it.

Then we started the test (two hours after we arrive, because why not?) and we were given two hours. I looked through all the questions and I got excited because they were really easy. Until I noticed that half of them were from last years curriculum and the other half were grammar. I flew through the grammar and most of the open questions, and I debated a bit for the last few. I was certain that I got one question wrong for certain, and maybe three more wrong at most. I finished the test within ten minutes, and gave it five minutes later, so that the teachers wouldn't be suspicious of me finishing too fast. They told me I could go, so I did. Me and my English teacher ( the one who was responsible for taking me to and from the competitions) called back and forth over the answers, but eventually we got the results from another teacher who works at my school who was a math judge (the competition is for all the subjects, not just English).

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