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disclaimer:I don't know how korea educational systems work so I'll use Singapore's one instead where the secondary school last day of school is on early November.

It's been a month since last Siyeon saw Donghyun and she don't want to meet him anymore because she couldn't bare the embarrassment she will face.

The weather have been cold lately but her legs have been itchy to go out.And she did!Siyeon went to somewhere nearby her neighborhood called Christmas Wonderland.She really love Christmas season especially when the bells jingle.It somehow makes her heart jingle too!

As Siyeon reached there,kids were happily playing with the snows,couples were sitting by each other with hot drinks to warm them,the trees were nicely decorated.Everything were perfect!Just like how she imagine Christmas feels would be.

The sound of her hungry tummy can be heard.Damn I need to stop being a pig.She checked her wallet and the only money she had was only $5.Siyeon look around to see any food shop she could afford.
Oh!Mcdonald!Atleast i could buy the $5 meal set!Woo!

Thank god that the restaurant wasn't full.She straight went to the cashier to order her food and quickly headed to an empty table because her tummy couldn't take it anymore.

As Siyeon were done with eating,she put back my tray where it should be and headed to the side exit.(not the main exit).And Bam!She bumped a person.I'm pretty sure my eyes were looking infront.How could i bumped someone?

"I'm sor-"She was about to apologize but when she look up to the person,her words were automatically cut off.

Who?It's Donghyun ffs.Why?He's like the last person she wanted to meet!She quickly pushed him abit so she could went out.But boy,he's faster than her.He grip her hand and pulled her back.


It was that short but it make Siyeon's heart race like she just finished running for thousands kilometers.

"Donghyun."She replied back.

"Don't you think it's rude to confess and walked away?"he calmly asked.

Bruh why this topic.

''I know I'm rude for doing that but I'm so embarrassed like what if you laugh at me or like you-"again,her words were cut off but this time because he interrupt me.

"I like you too,Boo."he confessed.

"Wait.How?Why?"She asked him as she started to panic.

Is this how you supposed feel when someone confessed to you?

"Shut up already Yeon.Look we are under the mistletoe.Just kiss me already!"He said as he cupped her face.

He slowly leaned forward to capture her lips into his.Their lips fits perfectly like missing puzzle pieces.It was only for a few seconds but it felt like forever.

As Donghyun still hold Siyeon's face,he placed his forehead on hers and said,

"You're mine,boo."

The End

Author's note:
This is the end of McDonalds!Thank you guys for taking time on reading this story.I'm so sorry for the late update because i totally forgot that this story haven't finished yet.
I'm sorry again for the kissing scene as it was my first time writing it.
Thank you once again.

m̲c̲d̲o̲n̲a̲l̲d̲ ; kim donghyunWhere stories live. Discover now