Best Friends

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I was walking with my brother Armin. He had his nose in a book as usual,and I was just walking with him to meet up with our friends, Eren and Mikasa. We were walking through Armin's bullies' neighborhood,when speak of the colossal titan, they showed up and started bullying Armin while completely ignoring me. I growled as the said mean things to him. I lost it when they started kicking and hitting Armin. I walked up to them and stood in between the bullies and Armin."Awe,look Armin has to have a girl protect him." The leader said. He then started to try and hit me buy it grabbed his arm,twisted it,then flipped him. They ran off,and Armin clung to me."T-Thanks sis."He said. I smiled and saw Eren and Mikasa running toward us. Eren looked upset."Eren,what's wrong?"I asked him."Mikasa blurted out to my mom that I wanted to join the Survey Corps."Eren said,glaring at his adoptive sister. I sighed. We all walked for a little while.When we came to a river,we decided to sit. Eren and Armin were talking about the outside world while Mikasa and I were talking about crushes."So,Mikasa,who is the lucky boy~?"I asked bringing my knees to my chest."No one."she said."What about you?I won't tell."She said. I blushed."E-eren."I said. She smiled."I ship it."she said. I nervously giggled. Just then a lightning bolt struck near the wall. We all ran toward the wall and saw a giant hand. The colossal Titan showed up. He kicked a hole in the wall and titans came in. I was blown away from Armin and the others. A Garrison solder picked me up and put me on a boat.'I hope the others are alright.'I thought.
It has been 3 years since the attack,and I never found Armin and the others. I came to the sad conclusion that they were eaten. I lost all emotion,and planned to avenge my family and friends. I was going to join the Survey corps.
Eren's POV
It has been three years,and we never found (Y/N). My mom got eaten and now both me and Armin are depressed. We decided to join the Survey Corps to avenge our friend,And
the secret love of my life. I was determined to wipe out all of the titans.

Eren Jaeger x (Y/N) Arlert X Levi AckermanWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt