Chapter 8: Hidden Secrets.

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This is a few months after the last time due to the fact of I was gonna finish it off back then,buttttttttt I didnt. Sry? ; D. Let's just say this is a couple months after, O-k ?! (Sry peeps)

I woke up before everyone else,exept sans. ( i knew this cuz he wasnt lying where he fell asleep). I got up and parkoured my way around everyone ,who were on the floor or chairs , and went into the kitchen. Sans was sitting on a dining chair and seemed slightly off. "Morning" ,I said,as it was like 8 am. Sans just busted out with ,"Kid,tori has a annocnment,but she told me to keep it to myself...buuuutttt, I thought I should just say."

I got slightly confused with the way he said it. " what did mom do nooowwww..?" Sans just looks at me and grinned. "How would  you react if I said you would have another younger sibling?" I was just standing there,Jaw dropped. "WWHHAAATTT??!!" I screamed.I seemed slightly angry with my expression ,I guess. "Woah kid,Chill out" as he said this, He threw a ice pack at me,which I luckily caught before it would hit my face.
I dropped the ice pack and grabbed two frying pans, Off of the side panels. "U-umm kid?" ,I didn't answer him, but I did go into the living room and start bashing the frying pans together. Everyone either screamed or was slightly freaked out. They all looked at me like ... 'wwuuutttttt?'. I just shouted " MOM YOU ARE A SECRET HIDER, WHY WOULD YOU KEEP THIS TYPE OF SECRET UNTIL TODAY?!"
Toriel just looked at the kitchen where sans was, like death would come to those in that area.She somehow instantly knew what Secret I ment." Sans The could you tell someone,when I clearly asked you not to.?" I just screamed " DO YOU KNOW WHETHER IT'S A GIRL OR BOY?!" Toriel just stayed silent and looked at Asgore (or as we all secretly know him king fluffybuns.)
Asgore just said "It's a girl, And we do not know of a name yet..." I just wanted to scream out so many names at that second ,but I held my exitement in. Azzy just stared at toriel just like ' Mum ,why didn't u tell me? (Inserts Cute sadness faces)' . I just slowly walked over and hugged him,and frisk joined the hug. Toriel just walked out to the kitchen. I just yelled " Mum, Noooooo!
", and then, chaos just started down in the kitchen. Bashing and crashing. We all quickly rushed out to stop the chaos and eventually did.

Sorry that this story is short. It's just cuz I'm sore and my brain can't completely work to think of anything else.besides I'M MENT TO BE TRYNA RELAX RN XD (jk) Welp hope u enjjooyyeeeddd?

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