Chapter 1

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He came in like a freight train, seemingly ready to demolish everything in his path. Even me. Without a care for how anyone else saw it, he went about living. And I hated him for it.

It all started the fall of my senior year.

Football season was already in full swing. My team had made it to the semifinals, and wed be damned if thats as far as we went. We were the focus of the school. Hell, we were the focus of the small town we called home.

Everyone was hyped to cheer us on until he showed up. Him and his stupid green eyes and annoyingly deep voice. Everyone and their mother was talking about him like he was some gift from heaven. The hot, genius kid who skipped two grades.

Tyler Primm. His name already pissed me off.

I wasnt worried though. He was just the new passing fling. Theyd all be over him by the end of the week, and the football craze would be back. Weve worked too hard for some boy to upstage us. None of us were worried. I wasnt worried.

At least I wasnt until I laid eyes on him that brisk October morning.

As usual, my friends and I were outside, standing around my pick-up, just talking, fooling around. Except this time, our conversation centered around Tyler. God only knows why. I thought we decided yesterday to ignore the kid and now here were.

Hes just another pretty boy for the girls to freak out over, Dustin grumbled.

Yeah, and theres no way he looks the way theyre trying to make him out to look. Benjamin leaned back against my trucks hood with his arms crossed as if to say it was final.

Guys, forget it, I said. Lets just focus on the game.

Weve been focusing on the game every day after school, Graham. Dustins grumbling came with a groan as he rubbed his shoulder. I have the bruises to prove it. What I want to know is what makes this kid so damn special?

That was when an unfamiliar car pulled up to the curb. Its expensive black exterior drew everyones attention. I mean it was a damn mercedes. Some people around here just rode their tractors everywhere they went.

Pompous jackass.

I guess were about to find out, Trevor said, pointing at the opening car door.

It was like everyone on the green was watching. The sound of chatter could still be heard, but I knew all they were really waiting for was him. All of our attention was on the new kid and it was only because no one and nothing new ever came here. He was a novelty. Thats all.

Everyone wanted to know if the rumors were true or if they were just that. Rumors. I was hoping for a disappointment. Others were hoping he lived up to the talk.

It only took ten seconds for the car door to open. Another ten passed as he said his goodbyes to whoever was in the car. Finally, he turned to look at the school and all its inhabitants. The world went silent as his eyes swept across the congregation on the green. When they landed on me, my blood ran hot, and sound dulled all around me. He was

How to explain Tyler Primm.

Tyler had wavy black hair and bright emerald eyes. He was effortlessly beautiful, and I couldnt believe myself for thinking that. I couldnt believe myself for thinking anything of him. I wasnt gay! But here I was, staring at him like he was the end zone, and I held the ball.

His lips cracked into a fleeting smile. Then his eyes were off me, and I sucked in a breath of air. I didnt realize Id stopped breathing. I dont know why it even happened.

He moved towards the building, oblivious of the stares directed at him. Oblivious of the thoughts racing through my head. Conversation resumed. The topic? Him, of course.

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