Chapter 3

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Tyler and I had been meeting up at seven for two days and I was starting to go crazy. The words annoyed me. Every few sentences I had to stop and ask him for the meaning to one of them. If he didnt know we had to look it up. Do you have any idea how long it takes to find a word that can only be found in old english?

Not long with Google, but its still irritating. Not even the bass of his voice could keep my attention anymore. I was officially disinterested.

Playing with a ball of yarn would be more entertaining than this.

When he read for the first time I was surprised. It was like watching a play. Sometimes hed just jump up out of his seat and begin yelling. Telling me of Frankenstein's love for Elizabeth and the passions he wanted to pursue.

My mom sometimes stopped in to listen, but Tyler never seemed to notice. Shed lean up against the door frame with a small smile as he raved like a lunatic. Stomping and jumping and cursing the monster all the while. When Viktor fell into a depression Tyler did. When Viktor bubbled with rage Tyler soon followed.

It was strange, but it kept my attention.

But Tyler was reading now and I honestly couldnt tell what words were spilling from his mouth. I was too busy thinking about dinner and the way his mouth moved when he spoke. There was something interesting, attractive about it. Maybe it was the way he shaped his Os.

He was up out of his seat, flailing his arms, but it was like I was Charlie Brown and he was any adult in the movie. He was just making noise. And now I was thinking about how I should focus and not actually focusing.

It was definitely the way his Os shaped his pale lips. But I think the best word he said was––.


I looked up into his eyes startled and caught, trying to quell the rising blush before it took over. The way he clenched the book in his hand made me swallow. Feeling smaller than I had in a long time, I peeked up at his burning eyes.

The anger melted away into exasperation. You arent paying attention. Tyler sighed. He closed the book and slumped back into the chair behind him. His chin rested on his fist as he threw the book down on the coffee table in defeat.

Guiltily, I shrugged. I was trying to.

Tyler flashed me a look of disbelief.

Honest! I put up my hand as if I were swearing before court. My court being a sixteen year old giant, but I was still being scrutinized. Seriously, what sixteen year old was over six foot? He was taller than me and I was six one!

What was distracting you now?

Youre lips.

Dinner, I answered. It was partially true. I was kind of hungry.

Tyler gave a half smile while shaking his head. I dont know how to make this more interesting for you, Graham.

It is interesting!

Then why cant you focus?

I opened my mouth to answer, but nothing came out. It wasnt like it wasnt entertaining. It was. Watching Tyler rave like he was the young Frankenstein was anything but boring. I just couldnt sit in this house another second listening to old english.

The walls were starting to move in. It was becoming monotonous: school, practice, reading. Everyday. I just needed to stretch.

Graham, youre doing it again. I could hear the frustration in his voice. I didnt mean to upset him, but I was just so bored. Is it me?

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