Chapter 10

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            In the far east area of Ooo, lies a body of water, the same body of water where Finn had first discovered his fears. This was Marceline's favorite place to go and clear her head after a stressful time. She had come here a lot when Simon died, but never felt the need to come back when she was with Finn, until now. When she stares at the beautiful blue ocean, she reflects upon the past thousand years of her life. The sand under her feet brings her back to happier times. The place was her sanctuary. No one knows that she comes here when she is upset, except for one person, and that person was just around the corner.

            Princess Bubblegum had been heading towards Finn's tree house when she saw Marceline racing out the window, yelling at Finn, telling him not to follow her. Marceline flew as quickly she can in her fit of anguish. Bubblegum decided that it would be best to talk to Marceline before talking to Finn about his future plans before he traps the Lich. She called for the Morrow and headed to the only place she knew Marceline would be when she is upset.

            Marceline had heard some rustling in the bushes. She turned her head and hissed her demon face, slithering her tongue out and all. She saw that it was Bubblegum.

            "What do you want, Bonnie?" Marceline asked angrily.

            "I want to help you, Marceline."

            "Well you can't help me, so fuck off." Marceline turned her face away as Bubblegum sat down next to her.

            "Finn told me about his plan to seal the Lich in an alternate dimension," said Bubblegum. "I told him it was a stubborn idea… but it seems to be the only one that works." Marceline still refused to look at Bubblegum. "Look Marceline… I'm soo sorry about what I did to you…"

            Marceline looked down with tears, crushing a clump of wet sand in between her fingers. "How come it took you so long to apologize?"

            "I've been wanting to apologize for years," replied Bubblegum. "I just never had the courage to." She placed her hand on Marceline's shoulder. "It took a lot of courage for Finn to tell you… more courage than I have ever had. If I had known that what I was doing was wrong, and if I had apologized, we would still be friends."

            "… Doesn’t matter," said Marceline. "I'm not going to see Finn anyway. He is just going to leave me like the others that I have loved."

            Bubblegum grew frustrated slowly. "But Finn loves you, Marceline. Why won't you go see him?"

            Marceline finally glanced at Bubblegum. "You won't understand."

            That was the last straw for Bubblegum. She stood up. "No, you know what Marceline? I do understand. I understand that you hate it when people you love most leave you, especially in your time of need; yet, you just did the same exact thing to Finn!"

            Marceline gave a blank stare. "Bonnibelle…"

            Bubblegum walked off, but after she called for the Morrow, she told Marceline one last thing. "You and Finn have something people search their whole lives for and never find. Don’t you ever let that go."

            As Marceline watched Bubblegum take off, she began to realize the error and hypocrisy of her ways. Bonnie is right. I should not have done this to Finn. She stared at the ocean one last time and flew off to see Finn.

            At the tree house, Finn is mentally preparing himself for the things to come next year, when he has to use himself as bait to lure the Lich into the trap. It's a very depressing thought for him, not being able to see his friends and family ever again. He thinks about Marceline, how much he loves her, and how he wishes there was another way. He also thinks about spending an eternity with the Lich, and shivers at it. It's a new kind of hell, constantly battling, whether you win or lose, you never die. A lot of things are going on in Finn's mind right now. He writes a will, for Bubblegum to read at his funeral service. Its full of his requests. Within the will is a note for Marceline. Finn hears a knock at the window.

            "Marceline?" Finn stares at the vampire through the glass. He rushes to open it.

            She bursts in and embraces Finn with her whole body. "Oh, Finn… I'm so sorry I left you." She sobs and kisses him. "I just hated that people left me when I needed them the most, but I realized that I did the exact same thing to you. I'm sorry, Finn… I'm so sorry."

            "It's okay Marcy. I'm just happy you're back." Finn held her head in his chest.

            "I'm sorry…" was all Marceline could say. "I swear I won't leave your side for however long you have left."

            Finn pulled back. "Really? You mean it?" He asked.


            "Then… please say yes to this." Finn knelt down before Marceline and grabbed her hand. She began blushing heavily. Suddenly she stopped crying. "Marceline Abadeer, Will you marry me?"

            Marceline covered her open mouth, she was overcome with joy. "Yes!!!" she yelled and jumped on Finn, knocking him to the ground, where she began kissing him.

            "Marcy, you just made me the happiest man alive," said Finn. That was a moment that did last forever. They were both happy, and nothing else seemed to matter, even the fact that Finn's days in this dimension were numbered. None of it mattered. None of it at all.

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