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mr delaney's appointment with victor had been moved to after school, and victor was relieved. he was thinking about blue and red acrylic paint as his english teacher droned on and on. jj leroy was tapping his pen on his desk again and it was annoying the hell out of victor. his head ached from hearing the mirror in the bathroom shatter into shards on the tiles.

the class ended with the shrill ring of the bell, and victor packed up his things slowly. he was still a little stunned by what he had seen, as if someone had shone a torch in his eyes. he ignored chris going over the lean on anya's desk in the third row, even though he shot victor a smile, and headed to his next class. he saw yuri in the hall, talking to emil, when he reached his locker to get his textbook. he unpacked his things and then unpacked them again so he could watch yuri lean against emil' a locker, saying something with that same seductive, teasing smile on his face. victor had to blink twice to see if it was the same dark-haired not in denim overalls who'd screamed as he smashed the bathroom mirror. his ears were still ringing.

victor saw emil put on his bag, look around in a way victor supposed emil must've thought was subtle, then whisper something in yuri's ear. yuri nodded, and pursed his lips a little. then he caught sight of victor, who looked away and buried his head in his locker.

"you know," victor heard yuri say, as he finally zipped up his bag. yuri stood by his locker, eyebrow raised, dark hair falling in his eyes again. victor locked his locker and stood up straight.

"it's not a good idea to stalk a psychopath," yuri whispered, before giving victor a cherry red, teasing smile. the tap started dripping; it sounded like yuri was joking. yuri then turned to go, and started off down the hall. he looked back over his shoulder at victor and smiled, before laughing to himself. victor saw that yuri's left hand had a thin white bandage wrapped around the knuckles, before yuri put both hands in the pockets of his grey jacket.


the bell gave its final shriek of the day, and victor got up from his desk with limbs like lead and headed towards mr
delaney's office. he was tired, and didn't want to have to sit through another "no, no placement yet. give it time."

victor was trying to convince himself just to go and get it over and done with, when he caught side of something straight ahead of him, through the open school doors. instead of taking the left turn into the art teacher's office, he headed straight out and onto the school step second from the bottom.

he saw yuri katsuki sitting on the bonnet of emil nekola's red cadillac, grey jacket back to reveal a low cut white vest top and high waisted jeans. he was wearing bright red heart-shaped sunglasses, and was leaning back on his palms in the sunlight. victor thought he looked pretty and striking. he could see the white bandage on yuri's left hand from where he was standing, and moved through the flicks of students going home in each other's cars to each other's beds to get a closer look at yuri sitting on emil's car.

as he stepped up to the school walls, emil came up beside yuri and muttered something to him, and yuri got down. emil looked around again, wearing his letterman, before getting into the driver's seat. victor watched yuri go to the passenger side, which was the nearest to victor. he opened the door, but before he got into the red cadillac, he turned around and looked straight at victor. victor's breathe caught in his throat; he was metres away from yuri, surrounded by countless other teenagers in denim and short dresses.

yuri lowered his sunglasses a little, then smiled slightly. then he put his glasses back on, and moved his jacket to one side so that victor could see that black handgun in the waistband of his jeans. victor didn't move. yuri then pulled out the gun and waved at victor, smiling sweet and cherry red, before he slipped it back into the waist of his jeans and got into the car with emil.

no one else around victor had noticed.

emil drive away with a screech of car tyres and yuri adjusting those red heart-shaped sunglasses in the car mirror. victor paused, one hand on the wall. he remembered every word yuri had said to him in the boys' bathroom earlier that day and how he had screamed as he smashed it into shards.

victor started, forgot about going to mr delaney's office and ran towards where he saw chris standing with a crowd of the popular kids victor hated like hell.

he dragged him away and ignored jj muttering something about victor to mickey and anya popping her bubblegum, swinging her legs from up in the wall.

"i need your car keys," he demanded.

"victor, what the fuck do you - "


victor ignored the laughter and irritating hum of talking about him from that group as he ran down the sidewalk towards where chris's blue cadillac was parked. he could see emil's red car held up in traffic down the turning. victor got straight in the car and stared up the ignition.

the killers had been left in the stereo since the friday before. the tape started to play as victor drove away from the high school, and drove after emil and boy in the passenger seat wearing red heart-shaped sunglasses.


shit getting real

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