Chapter 1

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Living in a house with multiple people was never the situation Beca expected to find herself in when she thought about college, but yet here she is. It was weird at the start but now she couldn't even think about having it any other way, even if sometimes she just wants to lie down on the sofa and sleep without being woke 0.5 seconds later.
It's not as if the Bellas are your normal group of girls either, who are happy to sit and chat on their phones for hours. No the Bellas are all very different to each other, yet very similar. They all have very big individual personalities, always have something to laugh and talk about, there is always at least one person awake no matter what the time it is and most importantly they always have a song to sing.

That's why Beca finds herself flat down on her bed. Sometimes the constant busyness gets a little much for the small brunette, sometimes a power nap does wonders. But again she wouldn't change her housing arrangements for anything, the Bellas were her family. Always will be. As she lay and stares at ceiling, she laughs to herself as she listens to Chloe and Amy fight over who's next in the shower. 3 showers isn't enough in a house full of all ten Bellas.
"But AMY I need to go first my hair is longer than yours, therefore it takes longer to dry"

"No na sorry Beale, I have myself a hot Mexican dinner with bumpa in an hour"

"But I'll literally only take 10 minutes max I promise"

"Chloe I promise I will be out in under the hour"

"Amy! An hour?! Ugh I give up I'm not showering"

Beca giggles to herself. It's these moments that she loved because they bicker like family, and growing up with no siblings, and not being very close with her family made her appreciate the Bellas so much. She sits up as her mushy thoughts got a little to mushy for Beca Mitchell.

She's brought out of her thoughts when the bubbly ginger she calls her best friend burst in.

"Hey" she smiles. Beca watches Chloe's face. Even when just saying a simple word like hey, she manages to light up the whole room. Beca doesn't know how she does it, how she's always so happy all the time. She shakes her head it's Chloe, she's a real like sunshine, that's why.

"Hello Beale" she smirks. She watches as Chloe eyes her open laptop. "Ooo what you working on?" Beca just shakes her head, "oh nothing just messing around with some mixes, I dunno got bored I guess" Chloe's eyes light up, as they always do when anything about Beca's music gets mentioned. "Oh my god let me hear" she bounced. "Dude no, it's literally a mess I don't even know what it is" Chloe throws up her eyes, knowing she'll get her way anyway. "Pretty pleaseeee" Beca didn't know why- but she could never ever say no to the ginger. No one can say no to Chloe Beale. Maybe it was the sparkly eyes or the cute pleading smile. Beca internally cursed to herself.
"Fine, I hate you, you know that right" Chloe just giggled and grabbed the laptop. "Oh sush you love me" she threw a quick wink to her best friend as Beca pushed her.

"Put on the earphones, I don't like listening while others are" Beca quickly hands them to Chloe.

"Bec, why are you like that, I wish you knew how talented you are. But if it makes your more comfortable then I will"

Beca smiles awkwardly to the ginger, she loves how no matter what- Chloe always had something positive and encouraging to say to anyone. It's just Chloe. It's just a Chloe thing.

Chloe places the earphones on, and presses play. Beca watches as Chloe's concentrating face came back. She watches the whole body language of Chloe. The way her fingers lightly tap the side of the laptop. The way her head silently bobs to the harmony. The way she does that smile, when she really likes certain parts. And then finally when it's done and she excitedly closes the laptop screen and pulls the headphones off- squealing.


Beca felt her cheeks blush, "dude, no it's nothing oh my god"

"Beca no seriously this is so so amazing, like better than things on the radio. You have such a gift and it's about time you start acknowledging it, because this is absolutely incredible and you know I would never say anything I don't mean." The gingers smile at the end made Beca's heart swell. Oh how she loves her best friend.

"It's whatever, but thanks Chlo" Beca was never a one for the right words, she always struggles to find the right thing to say in situations of either compliments or attention. But Chloe made her feel safe.

"I love listening to your work, it's one of my favourite things. I wish I was as talented as you" Chloe smiles at Beca.

"Are you serious? Have you heard your voice.. it's out of this world chloe" chloe shines her sparkly smile to Beca. "Oh stap"

Beca's phone buzzes. "Who is worthy enough to be texting miss Mitchell"

"It's just Jesse, I think he's coming over later or something" Beca watches Chloe's face, it's almost emotionless. "Well I'm gonna go see if Amy is out of that shower yet" Beca wondered what the sudden urge to leave is. "Dude, you know she's still gonna be still in the shower" Chloe throws her head back laughing, "Beca it's Amy, of course she's still in the shower, prepping herself for sexy time with bumper" Beca laughs, because she knows it's true.

Okay well that's chapter 1, sorry it's a bit all over the place but I just want to kind of set the scene a little bit. Anyway this is probably going to be a longish fic, I have lots of ideas I'm super excited about!! I hope you all enjoy!! My bechloe heart is excited ❤️❤️

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