Chapter 2

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Maggy's happy feeling was fading along with the road as they neared the boarders of the city.  She almost wanted to tell her father that she had changed her mind and she wanted to go back but she reminded herself that this was a once in a life time chance.  So she kept her mouth shut.

Finally, after what seemed like forever her father's convertible pulled up in front of the school.  She was about to open the door when she saw a tall skinny, brunet walking towards the car.  It was Jordan.    Maggy turned to her father gave him a hug then quickly hopped out of the car.

" Hey girl friend!" Jordan called waving to her.  Maggy pretended that Jordan was talking to someone else and kept on walking.  When she walked in the doors of the school  Jordan finally caught up and looked at her quizzically. " Hey what's wrong?"

Maggy scowled. She was trying to give Jordan a hint but it apparently didn't register.  "I told you we had to keep our friendship secret around my father remember?"

Jordan went pale.  " Oh my golly... I'm so sorry. I forgot in all the excitement."  She paused.  " Hey, how long do we have to keep it up?"

Maggy shrugged.  " Just long as it takes."

Jordan frowned.  Maggy hated it when she did.  Her big dark eyes would grow two sizes bigger and it was always so sad looking, yet so cute, Maggy couldn't hold her anger against her friend any longer.  She sighed.  It was her father's curse.

She placed a hand on Jordan's shoulder.  " It's ok.  Just remember next time."

Almost instantly Jordan cheered up.  " Ok.... so are you excited for your first day of public school?"

Maggy shrugged.  "I don't know."

" Hey, I'll be there for you.  Its going to be alright."  Jordan said soothingly. Maggy smiled her understanding but she still wasn't sure if she wanted to pull through with this.

Jordan led her to the principals office where she would get her schedule.  Jordan then knocked loudly on the counter top to get the secretaries attention.  The old lady looked up rather annoyed at the interuption.

" Yes, what do you two want?" She asked grimly.  Maggy swallowed hard and looked at Jordan.  Jordan smiled and leaned on Maggy and said, "This here is Maggy Skin.  She is a new student her and she needs a schedule."

The lady frowned and looked at her computer.  " We just barely started the middle of the first quarter right?"

Jordan smiled and nodded.  The lady pursed her lips and looked at the screen.  " Well all the paper work will take hours to get done.  And class will be starting in about thirty minutes.  So what if I just put you two in the same classes for now.  Then in the second quarter she can choose her own.  That way it saves my brain, and it makes you two happy."

The two girls nodded.  The lady nodded and with a click of a key the schedule printed out. Then she scratched something on a sticky note and handed it to Maggy.  Jordan thanked her and lead Maggy out of the office.  " Can you believe that? This is so awesome!!"  Jordan squealed jumping up and down.  Maggy smiled but didn't say anything.  " So where is your locker?"  Jordan asked as she snatched the paper out of Maggy's hand and looked at the sticky note.  " Darn, your locker is up stairs."

" Up stairs?"

" Don't worry, you have nothing to worry about.  Come on girl loosen up.  You are walking around like a stiff scare crow."

Maggy shrugged.  " I'm just nervous. I've never been around so many people."

Jordan shook her head.  " Seriously, how did you ever survive? I would be a total rebel by now."

"I like to try to please my Dad."  Maggy said quietly.

" Goody tissue."  Jordan said with a bump.

" Hey!!" Maggy punched her in the arm and pushed her into the lockers.  Jordan laughed and pushed Maggy back.  Maggy lost her footing and landed flat on her pockets and hit her head on a locker.  Stunned Maggy just sat there when she heard a voice above her.  She looked up to see a tall, tan, body builder standing above her.  He offered her his hand.

" That was a nasty fall.  Are you ok?"

Maggy nodded her head but didn't take his hand.  She pushed her self up, smiled shyly, then quickly walked away.  She could hear foot steps rushing after her but she didn't look back.

"Maggy are you ok?  I didn't mean to hurt you."  Jordan said finally catching up.  Maggy shook her head her eyes starting to tear up.
Her head hurt and she was totally humiliated.  This was so not a good idea for her to come to school.

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