Katie had just recently broken up with the potential love of her life. She just wasn't feeling it. Nothing was wrong with her relationship that was serious enough for them to break up. It's like her feelings were never there.

It had only been a month since she ended her short relationship. She thoroughly regretted it because she felt like it was the end of any kind of romance that she would ever have.

Katie POV

The thoughts swarming my mind is enough to make anyone break down. I want to change everything about myself...maybe that will help me become capable of loving someone? Nah. That's dumb.

I turned on my playlist that I usually play when I'm in my sad self-loathing mood. It was consistent of songs that make me miss what I've never had, love that makes you want to feel for a lifetime. Feelings that normal people have.

I don't know why my feelings never last long at all. I just want to feel whole and safe with someone.

I looked at the clock and it's almost time for me to get my shower and get dressed for work. It's 7 and I don't have to be there until 8. I absolutely adore being able to work my dream job everyday. I'm an illustrator for children's books and cartoons. I work with all women and they are very lovely to work with. I admit, I love to look at them a lot too.

There is this one woman who is so attractive phyically and mentally. I can't focus when she's around. She's about 10 years older than me but I'd definitely consent to some fun. I chuckled and shook my head.

I picked up my phone and checked my Instagram account. The first fucking thing that showed up was my ex posting a screenshot of her new girlfriend declaring her love for her. Either she was cheating the whole time or she was never as in love as she said she was. Whatever.

As much as I wanted to text her and call her all kinds of names I knew I didn't have it in me and my Mama raised me better than that. So I just closed it out and got up to get ready for work.

"Good Morning boss lady, you're looking very beautiful today. New beau?" My assistant Ashli' is very beautiful and she has a very nice figure. I wish I had her figure. I smiled at her and said a greeting to her and ignored her question. She began to give me my schedule for the day.

"Oh yes and someone left this envelope on my desk with your name on it." In confusion I looked at the envelope and walked to my office. My desk was a mess it had sketches and pencils all over it from Friday when I worked late on a book for this young couple about their first born child. It's a cute story so I wanted to work extra hard on it to make it a prized possession for the family.

I sat down and organized everything and rearranged my pencils and I looked at the envelope nervous about opening it since I didn't know who it was from.

Katie, I'm sure you're very confused and I can just imagine that adorable face of yours looking at this with that look you do when you don't understand something. Anyways I've been holding this in because I felt like it would be inappropriate for the work environment but I convinced myself that maybe it would not creep you out enough to run you away.

You are a very beautiful woman and I've had this crush on you since I started working here. That first day I couldn't stop staring at your beautiful brown eyes. Sometimes I want to just show you how much I like you by sending you flowers or chocolates or something romantic like that.

I'm in awe of everything about you. From your eyes to the way that you dress to the way that you run our company. You carry yourself with so much grace and your curves only make you more attractive to me. I have my phone number at the bottom of this letter in hopes of you texting me. I know you don't know who I am but I can only hope that I've intrigued you enough to find out who I am.

I looked at the number and it doesn't look familiar at all. I folded the letter up and put it in my pocket and got to work. I'd worry about it later.

After reading the letter Katie knew better than to be thinking that someone liked her. With her wild random mood swings she would have at work every now and then, and to think that they worked with her. Who in the fuck?

She didn't think that she was beautiful enough to have a secret admirer. With thighs as thick as hers and a waist that was wider than average... there was no way. It had to be a joke.

After all growing up all she would hear is that all she'd be good for with a body like hers was to pop out children. After she heard that she cut that person completely out of her life. She didn't need that kind of negativity near her every day.

She stood up and paced back and forth in her office. She was freaking out a little bit because maybe she has a stalker. There was a knock on her office door. She shook all of her thoughts away for a second and opened the door.

A certain coworker that she liked to look at stood in front of her and the both of them was at a loss of words. Katie has no idea why Amy would need to come to her office. Amy just stood there in awe awkwardly until Katie cleared her throat.

'Um..is there anything that I may assist you with Amy?'

'Oh, yea um... I was wondering if you'd like to uh... well my friends and I are going out tomorrow night and I was wondering if you'd like to join us?'

Katie was going apeshit on the inside. Her crush asked her out. Even though it wasn't a date date she still felt like she was on cloud 9. A beautiful woman wants to spend time with her. Someone wants to be seen in public with her. Of course, she heard time and Time again that she was beautiful. She didn't believe it much though.

"Sure Amy I'd love to!"

"Would you like for me to pick you up?"

"If it's no problem. Here's my addy."

"Ok, thanks! I should probably get back to work huh? See you later boss!"

Omg! What am I going to wear? Looks like I'm going shopping on my break.

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