Chapter 1

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*Your POV*



"Hey. Wake up, silly."


"No, Tilith. You don't wake up someone who is going to be late on the job... You do this."


I jolted awake from the cold wetness that was poured on to me. "AH! I'M AWAKE! I'M WAKE," I said, looking over to see Tilith and Seria, with a bucket, over my bed, "Ugh... at least give me a heads up if I need to be up." "Well, you didn't. We've been trying for the last 10 minutes we got to your room. Come on now," Seria said, "You're going to be late for whatever you have to do." "Wait... what time is it," I said, looking over to see that... Oh god... It's 6:30... The place I have to go is nearly 30 minutes from here... on foot.


I jumped out a bed and rushes towards the closet and change into something good on the first day. After that happen, in the first few seconds, I rushed downstairs to grab what I'm just going to bring when I get to the school. Food, anything to write with, whatever that is needed in that school. I don't know if it's going to be hard to be someone's assistant for God knows how long, but I need to focus on whatever mission is in store. Someone who would take the first interest in me.

... Maybe the Gremory?

... OH SHIT! I'm going to be late!

'Shit, shit, shit,' I thought to myself, running to the school, 'I better not be late for my first day in this school.' Man, it was a pain in the ass. First off, who the hell wakes up at 6 AM? I wake up at 8 AM in the morning but seems like not, because one of my friends have to wake me real early today and I had to go and to school to be whatever Lucifer wanted me to do. They are so lucky I am at least like what, a year or two younger than them... maybe more than I thought? Not only that, I'm the only one who is faster with getting stuff ready than them. I did it in under a minute and I could go even faster.

Anyway, I arrive at the school and if I were, to be honest, it's actually kind of beautiful. When I went through the gates, I heard gossip from a group of people. I can already tell what it is. It might sound like "Who is that cute boy?" or "I wonder if he's single." What's a guy like me doing here in this place? Well if I were honest, I would have said "Oh, I'm from another world that slays gods and demons for a living," but I'm not. Elder Grah has told me that these people have never heard of the world we lived in. He might have said that he might be coming in a week or so to see how my colleagues and I are doing, especially "checking" with my female friends. I'm also annoyed that they call me a boy. I am just here to be a teacher's assistant and study this world as of now. Though it's not different, I hope I can learn something new while playing the assistant.

As soon I enter the school, I try to find the student council on my own, but I failed to find it, so I asked a girl near me if she knew about it since I was a transfer student. She answers with a nod to her head and leads me to the student council. I give my thanks to her as soon we arrived at where I need to go, and I headed inside. The first thing I see is a woman with a slim figure, black hair and black eyes.

"Hello. How may I help you," She asked me. "I was supposed to come here and get my schedule. I'm supposed to be a teacher's assistant," I answered her with honesty. "Ah, that's right. (Y/n) (L/n), right," She asked again as I nodded softly as she begins to look at the schedule and when she found it, she handed me the schedule, "Here you go. Well, do you need help finding your first class." "Yes, please," I said, "Thank you..." "Sona," she introduces herself as she leads me to my first class. She talks about that despite that I am here to help out teachers and help out students, I'm assigned to one of the student lockers for now since they think that you'll blend in good as a student. I bit my lip a little bit, thinking I'm going to be treated like a kid.

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