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So, I'm going to discontinue this page, because of reasons that I don't normally do. These are a few that I wanted to do, but wasn't able to think well enough:

- Too many ideas to put in, but it won't work

- Harem is unsure and finding which is best to pick out from the others

- Making a new story, BUT without DXD.

- ... What are the ages of Issei's Harem?

- Etc.

I'm glad that some of you are at least reading this but now is to bring a Summoner to a different world AND putting the Summoner at his best.

Even though you won't see the story being written fully, this is what I wanted to put my story and how it would've ended.


After the Summoner suddenly grabbing his sword, it was revealed that he has a Sacred Gear that rivals the Longinus, Knight's Insignia. It was like no other and to make an army out of those who are worthy and loyal to the Summoner. While he was still trying to understand the Sacred Gear, the main story takes its course with (Y/n) interrupting the story every once in a while.

Then, near the end of the Excalibur arc, (Y/n) encounters an old enemy, one of the Fallen Gods, Maxwell. She was working with Kokabiel in order to start another war again. However, while she was defeated once more, Kokabiel has informed everyone that God is dead. (Y/n), unlike the rest who are saddened and scared about this world's God, (Y/n) spits venom about it, saying why should he be sad for someone that didn't give him a path at all and created his own skills along with help from everyone else.

Kokabiel gets defeated by the Summoner and the story takes course to normal up until (Y/n) went to gather enough people who are worthy to be with him.

The story takes the course up until the Batlle of the Mischief God, Loki. Turns out, Loki brought another God in play from (Y/n)'s main world, Karna Masta. At that point, (Y/n) fakes his death because of certain enemies are in the way and waited for the right moment to strike. And it did... the only problem is that (Y/n) lost his right arm at the process. Even during the main storyline where Asia was kidnapped, (Y/n) is still able to fight without his only good arm

Then, after the point... (Y/n) was ready to face one last battle, the battle at the otherworld, St. Creek. Only him, Tilith (who was pregnant at that point), and Lugia had to go over there and stop three people who were about to awaken the monster that destroyed Lugia's Hometown (if I recall). While they were doing that, everyone back at home was hoping that they will survive.

Out of the three people they saved, one of them decided to put a "Fuck you" on the summoner and awakened the Destroyer, Gazarva.

A long battle has happened, but near the end, (Y/n) was the one that was going to die in the end... if it wasn't for the call from his friends, family, and loved ones... awakening his sacred gear and evolving into the forms when combining his Sacred Gear with the weapon given by Lugia, Ex Deus Gladius. Thus, giving him his own official Drive, Omni Drive: Elemental Legendary Warrior. With this newfound power and gaining back his arm once more, (Y/n) was able to kill the Destroyer with the help of Lugia and Tilith.

Weeks would pass since they saved the people and (Y/n) was going to explore with Tilith. He thought at one point that he was going to leave the girls he was in love with and was ready to leave, but all of his loved ones decided to come with him in order to become stronger and to know that they won't stop at anything to help him to become who he is at that point. (Y/n), with one last sigh and a very bright smile, he let them join.

In the Epilogue, 20 years have passed and the reunion between Earth and El Gaia's people. (Y/n) came back as a different person. Even though he wields the Ex Deus Gladius, he was more mature and stronger. With 10 kids from his now wives, it was clear that even as a young boy lost in two worlds, he was able to become the legendary Summoner they wanted to see.


Now... that's out of the way... here are a few things that are going to be in the new Summoner book:

- The new story will take place in the Rising of the Shield Hero. This is after the whole Brave Frontier's Main storyline is done. His arrival will come during the First Wave with Tilith.

- (Y/n) will have all the weapons he obtained from his time in the otherworld.

- Summons 1-2 units when wanted and when also wants to fight, summons 5 when needed, doesn't fight unless needed.

- Has sets for each summons he wants to bring to the table. One side will have the six elements of their own and the other side is squads that are from their own histories like the Six Heroes, Vocaloid, and a few others.

More info for the Summoner will be arriving soon... soon as in after 4th of July.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2019 ⏰

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