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The next day,
The Liturature club is seeing who they got for secret santa.

You slide your hand into a pink box with white dots on it. Your hand slides out with a piece of paper saying, "Just Yuri."
"WHO DID YO- Ahem. Who did you get?" Asks Monika.
"Well, I can't tell you. It's a secret. Secret Santa." You smile.
"My turn baka." Says Natsuki.
Natsuki grabs a paper from the pink box.
"(Huh?!)" Natsuki whispers.
"Who.. Who is it?!" Monika quickly asks.
"I can't say! They'll know if I say!"
"Now me." Yuri grabs a paper from the pink box.
"....." Yuri makes a calm smile.
"Who di-" Yuri intrrupts Monika.
"Stfu with your Dangonronpa Ultra Despair Girls lookin ass."
The Liturature club laughs at Monika.
"Ha! That's funnny af!" You laugh the hardest.
"My turn!" Sayori reaches for a paper.
"Oooh.. um.. okay."
"What?" Asks Monika.
"Nothing, it's fine."
"..." Monika reaches for a paper.
Monikas thoughts::
"Now that we've got our secret Santa's, we should start planning exactly what we are going to do for our Christmas special." Says Monika hiding her anger.
"I have chosen a book to read." Says Yuri.
"Okay. What is it?"
"It's a book by, Stephen King. "It."
"Are you dumm. We're reading to CHILDREN." Monika says in a distressed voice.
"Natsuki, hbu?" Asks Monika.
"Oh. I'm making my famous peanut butter cupcakes!" Smiles Natsuki.
"And what if the kids are allergic to nuts?" Asks Monika.
"Oh yeahh. I'll just make some vanilla ones." Says Natsuki.
"Basic but okay. Sayori. Since you've got nothing to do, you'll be the one reading the story to the kids okay." Says Monika.
"Good. Now we have our plan, and our secret Santa's." Says Monika with a flat expression.
I'll just be writing some Doki Doki one-shots untill Christmas. On Christmas I'll be continuing this part. So don't think I'll be forgetting about the Christmas special!
To be continued on Christmas..
Doki Doki Oneshots..

It's a.. a.. A DOKI CHRISTMAS!!!Where stories live. Discover now