Special Chappy

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A/N: This chapter has nothing to do with the rest of the story. This is for 1k reads. Enjoy!

Also there's some steamy moments that may not be suitable for all.

You have been warned.


"Hey Garroth, you wanna go to the mall with me?" His little brother asked wrapping his brown satchel around his shoulder.

"Why are you going to the mall baby brother, it's not mom or dad's birthday right?" Garroth pondered aloud.

"No, but it is Zane's birthday and I wanted to get him something nice!" Vylad said.

"Well that's kind of you, but I won't accompany you . I have some-"

"Some work to do... well please, try to do something for him. I'm sure your boyfriend  won't allow you to be trapped in this house for long anyway." Vylad interrupted causing his brother's face to become ruby red.

"Shut up, you better get going before it gets crowded. So you can kiss your boyfriend after." Garroth said mumbling the last part.

"Your right, I'll be home around one o'clock, so we can go to Aphmau's for Zane's party!" He says opening the door. "Oh and Garroth, you better have a gift for him!"

Garroth heard the door slam behind him meaning his brother had left him in the house by himself, or so he thought.

As Vlyad opened his car door he began to call a certain brunette for assistance. "Come on , pick up."

"Ello?" Vylad smirked placing his phone beside him. "Hello Laurence, are you busy?"

On the other side, Laurence was wrapping his gift for the party, while slightly struggling. "Uh no, just ugh, wrapping- oof,  presents... for the party. What's up?"

Ignoring the awkward noises, Vylad continued. "Uh... alright, I need you to do me a favor."

"Depends, what's up?" He questioned as he shook a present that was taped to his hand. "I need you to hangout with Garroth today, get him amped for Zane's party!!"

Laurence gave a questioning glance at his phone. "Sure, I loove hanging with my boyfriend, but I-"

"Great!" Vylad interrupts. "Get over here as soon as possible, you guys can do whatever you want. I'll be back at one. Ok bye!"

Laurence shrugs at the younger Ro'meave's quirkiness as makes his way out of his shared home. He was already dressed and ready, along with a gift strapped to his hand.

Making his way across the street, he reaches the Ro'meave's door knocking slightly.

Shortly after his shorter boyfriend opens the door, a gleam making its way to his eyes. "Laurence, what are you doing here!" He smiles.

"Well I wanted to spend a day with my boyfriend." Laurence smirked as Garroth slightly frowned. "Oh well, I guess you can come in,but why is that present stuck to your hand?"

"Oh,uh just problems with wrapping presents, anyway whatcha wanna do?" He asked sitting on the blue couch. Garroth glanced slightly downward at Laurence's hand.

"I think I'll get that present off your hand first." Garroth suggested carefully taking the wrapping paper and tape off his hand.

"Nope, you can help me do it."

"Fine.." Garroth gently pulled the present in front of him before looking at Laurence who stared intensely at the blonde.

"So, you fold this here taping it in place like this." The brunette looks and the blonde's delicate hands, and idea popping in his head. "Uhh, hey Garroth. "

The blonde stops looking back to his boyfriend in confusion. "Yes?"

"How bou't we do this together." Before Garroth could speak again, Laurence placed himself behind Garroth, straddling him as he placed his hands on top of Garroth's.

A deep red blush appears on the younger's face but he says nothing. "Now let's start over."

The blonde nodded courtly before studdering his way through the mini lesson,  as he admired Laurence's company on a day he usally dreads.

"T-then your f-finished." They place on top of the gift a black bow before their eyes were only placed on the wrapped present.

They sat in silence as Laurence cuddled Garroth dismissing the task to two has completed only moments ago.

"Laurence, we're done." The blonde tries to stand, but only stummbles causing him to fall on top of Laurence. "A-Ah , s-sorry! I-I "

Laurence gains a light tint on his face before and idea pops in his head. "Hey Garroth..."


"How about we have a little fun of our own before the party." Garroth stares at Laurence in shock, but he doesn't say no as Laurence began to unbutton his shirt.

"Hm, I knew you were toned Garroth but this... mhm.." Laurence was interrupted by Garroth placing his lips upon his own.

He roughly let's go huffing slightly. Laurence smirks placing kisses upon the smallers neck and chest.

"You wanna challenge me -huff- Garroth? You want to control me." Laurence placed both of his arms on Garroth's wrist leaning very close to his face.

"Well... I'm the boss here." He whispered placing his lips on Garroth's. It was ruff before becoming gentle, much to Garroth's delight.

"Now let's see what-"

Laurence is interrupted by the door opening as the younger Ro'meave's walks in finding Laurence on top of his almost shirt less brother.

"I asked you to help him have fun... But nothing like that." He stated still standing at the door.

Garroth pushes Laurence off of him before rushing upstairs. "Uh Vylad I'll be down in a second. Wait in the car for me."

Vylad snaps out of it walking back outside towards his car, dragging Laurence with him.

The two stood in silence before Vylad interrupts it. " You know when I said hangout with Garroth, I didn't mean making out on our sofa."

"Be quiet ya cockblock..." Laurence mumbled slightly disappointed. "Dante would probably do the same to you."

Vylad stayed quiet. Before shouting, "Hey! I was a cockblock!"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2018 ⏰

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