chapter 15

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@kaylav - ready for dinner with my loves 😎💓

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@kaylav - ready for dinner with my loves 😎💓

448,084 people liked ❤️
1,978 people commented 💬

@vanessaaa - Damn bestfriend 😍😍😍😍

@laybae - ^ 😍😍😍❤️

@itslogan - holy shit 😍😍💦💦😉 remind me to sit beside you ❤️

@kevinlangebro - sorry lo , that's my reserved spot 😍😍😍💦💦 @itslogan

@jack - fuck 😍

@max - ^ me 😍😍

@heybrad - I'm so jealous 😂😍😍😍

@henrym - me too ^ but you 100% 😍

@kaylav - I'm weak 😂😂❤️ love you 😊 too many people to tag 😜😘

@kaylav // comments have been disabled

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