chapter 60

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@kaylav - showers with Logan are hot 😍💦 ily babe ❤️tagged : @itslogan

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

@kaylav - showers with Logan are hot 😍💦 ily babe ❤️
tagged : @itslogan

352,176 people liked ❤️
4,593 people commented 💬

@vanessaaa - oh shit 😱 did you guys actually shower together ??? Already !!! 🤔

@kaylav - Yep 😂💦 it was hot 😍❤️ @vanessaaa

@laybae - good friends let her do what she wants @vanessaaa 🙄🙄 but did you really ?

@kaylav - yes 😂😂 why is everyone shocked 🤔 @laybae

@jack - maybe it's the fact that you guys started dating like 3 DAYS AGO 😱😱

@max - did not see this coming tbh 😬 but if you two honestly like each other do what you please 💓

@kaylav - thanks max 👌🏼 @max

@kevinlangebro - if we were a thing we would have already fucked but it's her option 😂😂

@henrym - idc what you do as long as you're happy 💓💓

@kaylav - thanks Henry 😊 @henrym

@itslogan - I don't see the problem 🤔🤔 we were just in a shower together nothing happened but kissing and touching some places 😂❤️

@kaylav - exactly nothing else ❤️😂 @itslogan

@itslogan - and I enjoyed it 😊

@kaylav - me too 😘 @itslogan

@username3 - sluts

@kaylav // comments have been disabled

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