Back in LA

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Me and the guys got into a plane. Zach was by my side this time. All I could think about was about Bella. I was heading to LA when she told me that she needed to talk. I am getting so weird right now.

"You Okay?" Asked Zach.

"Bella told me that she needed to talk to me when I was heading to LA."

"It's been 4 months Jonah, she is all gone."

"We will see her at her prom. She will be with another guy. I can't stand this." I got nervous.

"You need to relax Jonah. She isn't in your life anymore." Zach passed me his beat headphones, "listen to some music and you'll see that you're working about a stupid thing."

I put on the headphones and started listening to some songs. The first song that was played was 'Lose Yourself' of Eminem. That song is good, I know the song by heart.

"His palms are sweaty, knees weak..." I started rapping.

"Jonah!" Zach hit me. "Stop rapping."


I changed the song. That song was I Won't Give Up by Jason Mraz. I love that song so much. I listened to it letters, they were beautiful. Then I realised something. I won't give up on telling Bella what I feel. I took a notebook for my backpack. I started writing everything I wanted to tell Bella.

"Dear Bella..." I started.


"Zach." I said shaking his arm. "We are back on LA."

"We are?" He Asked opening his eyes.

"Welcome back." I Said.

Zach got up from his seat and we got out of the airplane.

After all the work on the airport we finally got home. I got into my room and saw Sarah.


"Welcome back!" She hugged me.

"What are you doing here?"

"It was a surprise."


"You want to do it?"

"I'm tired right now. We can do it later?"

"For sure." She smiled at me. That smile is beautiful. I sighed. "What's wrong?"

"I want to sleep that's all."

"You want to sleep together?"

"Of course I want to."  I took off my shirt and got under the covers of the bed. Sarah's back was in front of me.

"I like doing this." She Said.

"I like it too." I kept quiet for a moment. "Would you like to go to a prom with me?" I Asked Sarah.

"Sure." She Said.


"You know something Jonah?"

"What is it?"

"I love..." I don't remember what she said. I fell asleep. The next thing I remember was that Logan was on my room. He looked at Sarah and me.

"Are you two smashing?" He Asked.

"Not now." I Said.

"So you guys smash?"

"Sometimes, Yeah." She Said. I love her confidence.

"You have friends Sarah?" Asked Logan.

"I can introduce you to one of my friends."

"Cool. Jonah, I need you to go downstairs."

"Why for?"

"I am making a new banger, I want you in it." I looked at Sarah, she looked at me.

"Logan, how many views do you have on one video on YouTube?"

"More than 10 million."

"Go Jonah." She said.

I got up from my bed. "Don't forget to put on a shirt." Said Logan. I put on a shirt and went downstairs.

"Someone's awake!" Said Zach.

"Was Sarah on your room?" Asked Corbyn.

"Yeah, why do you ask?"

"I saw you two sleeping together."

"Okay guys!" Logan interrupted. "We make a song and you guys will be in it."

"Sure." Me and the guys Said.

"Great! You have the prom?"


"We do it after prom."

"Sounds amazing."

"Great! I'll leave now."

"Bye Logan." We all Said.

I headed upstairs when Jack touched my back.

"What Jack?"

"Use a condom." He passed me a condom.


"You are really really Welcome."

I went to my room. Sarah was sitting on my bed.


"We will make a song."

"Great!" She hugged me.


"What's wrong?"

"I will tell Bella everything."

"If you want to do it, then just tell her."


Words I didn't say /Jonah MaraisWhere stories live. Discover now