Chapter 01

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A/N note: Sup! This is my second real story lol and it's smut free...sowwy I can't write that shiz. XD This is just a story I made because I'm upssesed with BTS and um who wouldn't be...? ARMMYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!! Anyways let's get on with this although I don't even know where this is gonna go....XD

RIIING RIIING RIIING! "Stupid alarm clock." You cuss under your breath as you realise today is Monday...first day back to school and all you did last night was stalk your crush on Instagram..."Why is he so hot?" You whispered as you dragged yourself out of your bed..."Park Jimin.."
You took a quick shower and where about to leave your room when you heard your mom yell out to you.
"Y/N~ YOU'RE LATE FOR SCHOOL!" WHAT!? WHAT A GREAT START TO MY FIRST DAY BACK AT SCHOOL! You ran out of your house before even saying bye to your parents. you were only focused on getting to put your roller blades/skates on and got there as fast as your wheels could go. Quickly, you changed your shoes and ran to class.
"Wow! Jimin~oppas hot!" You heard whispers from every direction. But suddenly you were toppled to the ground.
"OW!" You yelled in pain but before you could see who it was,you were greeted by your bff.
"HEY Y/N! It's been so long! How are you!? How's your love life!?"
"Ah..nosey as ever aren't you know I don't have a love life pabo!"
"Hahahaha maybe you do...I know your crush~"
"shut it! No you don't!"
"Hehehe but I do"
"Yea and I know your crush! You yelled out and everyone stared..even Jimin...he giggled and looked away.
"oh well we'll talk at lunch time! See ya Y/N!"
Yeah...see ya....

You were walking to class and quickly noticed Jimin was heading the same way...crap crap crap crap! You got to the designated area and so did Jimin. He opened the door while smiling.
"Lady's first"
"U-um t-thank you..." You walked in with your head down to prevent him from seeing you blush. The girls in the class whispers and sent you deadly glares. You picked a seat in the far back and waited for the teacher. She/he was hella late you thought. Then you saw Jimin walking over to YOUR freaking desk.
"Hello there,what's your name sweetheart?
Sweatheart? The girls around you whispered in voices that made them sound 'betrayed'.
"Um.. Y/N..I already know your name. Well I'm not a stalker but everyone knows you.. I mean it's obvious you're the heart throb of the school I mean- um I'm sorry..I ramble when I'm nervous.."
"Why are you nervous?"
You could just hear CJ chanting "I ship it! I ship it!" In the background while laughing at my nervous state and you shot a "shut it" glare.
You swear you could have heard him smirk. "Um reason in particular it's just..."
"Just what?"
This time it was saw him smirk. "You're just debuted and y-you're in m-my school and I love your music..."
"Thanks babe...why don't you try giving this number a call when you're home?"
Babe! And he gave her his number! At this point the ladies were angry and yelling... Until he turned around and shushed them with a serious face that scared you a lil bit.
He gave you a piece of paper with his number and name scribbled on it. You nodded and blushed as you saw him smile and wink "Sure why n-not...thank you J-jimin~oppa. Can I call you that?"
"Sure but I prefer daddy"
WTH EM WHAT?!SO SMOOTH! "I'll call you oppa for now..."
the bell rang and he headed out to his next class. wth so the teacher didn't even come? You thought as you laughed a little bit to yourself until you realised you knew no one in your next class. CJ was in class with Jimin (my crush) And I'm in class with her crush...jungkook. I don't know him very well...I just know he's the schools bad boy :/ who knows if he will even show walked to your class and quietly took your the back of course...but a little after I assigned my own seat...jungkook walked in and took a seat in the to me..
"Hey, so your names y/n right?"
"Yea who's asking?"
"Me jungkook...?" He hissed.
"No dur pabo!" You hissed back
" know CJ right? I saw she toppled you today."
"Ugh yea..why? She's my hotter bff lel"
"True..." He mumbled barley audible "Can you tell her to meet me outside after school..."
"Hey! I'm offended... and yes I'll tell wanna confess don't ya!?"
"Yeah, I guess. I mean I've liked her for a while but idk if she even knows who I am..."
(Flashback mode: all the sleepovers ever. Jungkook this jungkook that jungkook's abs jungkook's butt jungkook jungkook jungkook!) "Ugh she doesn't talk about you much..but good luck" you rolled your eyes and looked forward to the teacher as she really boringly explained some algebraic equation bs. About 30 minutes later it was lunch time! WHOOOP! My favorite time of ALL time! You walked into the cafeteria and CJ greeted you at the table she was at.
"Hey y/n! Come here I wanna introduce you to some of my friends!"
T-thats BTS...all of them..including Jimin... "U-um h-hey! I already know jungkook and Jimin but please introduce me to the rest!" You tried to play stupid even though you stalked them on twitter and instagram everynight-
"Well this is RM! Or call him Namjoon!
Hi! I'm the leader!
He gave you a charming smile and held his hand out. "I'm Y/n" you said loudly so the rest could hear so you wouldn't have to repeat yourself.
"Shut it" suga rudely replied. I'm sleeping you bimbo! "I'm Yoongi~oppa. Nice to meet you Y/N."
You giggled a little before the next one introduced himself to you.
"I'm Taehyung! Or you can can me V"
"Can I call you TaeTae instead?"
"Sure" he sweetly replied and shook your hand.
Akskksk- did I just fucking ask that-?!?
"I'm Jin! I'm oldest brother!" He shoved some yummy food in your mouth and you laughed.
"Nice to meet you all!" You bowed and admitted you loved their music.
"Thank you!" J-hope replied while dancing to "Russian Roulette" By red Velvet. Even though it was random AF
you danced along. You where aware of the fact that you sucked at dancing.  But soon enough, you were joined by a pair of two idiots named Jimin and jungkook.
"Wow! Look at you guys go!" CJ replied while laughing at us.
"Keep it down I'm sleeping!" Suga shouted and everyone jumped a bit.
"Who peed in his cheereos this morning?" You shot back.
"Probably jimin~ah! He sleeps naked anyways!" Jin yelled and everyone was on the floor laughing while Jimin was embarrassed af.
"Shut it Jin! That's not nice! And I sleep in boxers- thank you very much" Jimin scoffed trying to defend himself.
"Hey that's my wife you're talking too you jamless hoe!!" Namjoon said while in tears of laughter"
"ITS SAILOR V TO THE RESCUE!HELPING TO FIND THE MISSING JAMS OF JIMIN!" V shouted and CJ and I kept laughing as the weebs we are. After we calmed down i told Cj to meet jungkook outside after school.
"My heart!" J-hope replied and we giggled as he held his chest in shock.
Shut it j-horse! Jungkook replied while laughing.
"JUANCOCK!" J-hope replied and soon the bell rang and we walked to class. Me, Jimin, TaeTae, and suga were in the next class together so we all walked there together and picked seats in the back cuz the front was boring. I sat with Jimin on my right, TaeTae on my left and suga on jimins right. Even though you were head over heals for Jimin, you couldn't help but admit you shipped Yoonmin-
"Here you go class please work on this for now" Mrs.Han handed us some papers that we had to work on and finish by the time class was done.
"Hey Y/N~ I don't get this...would you please help me?" Jimin looked at you sweetly.
"Of course Jimin~oppa! Here first you have to-" (enter boring scholar shit here)
Class was done but he still didn't understand.
"Y/N..please meet me after school at the park so we can work on this...or else I wont understand the homework..please?
"Sure i guess. Bring your stuff and I'll see you in 30 minutes?!" You said shrugging.
"That works. See ya!"
30 (ish) minutes later~
"Jimin~! I'm here! Let's study I brought my stuff!"
"Hey" he greeted you, getting off the ground covered by a soft blanket.  He hugged you and sat back down patting the seat next to him.
"But do you mind if I tell you something first...?"
"Of course not! I told my mom I would tutor you so we have about 2 hours. What's up?"
"Well um i-i like you a lot...and I have for a while now... We haven't talked at all since I debuted"
"Wh-what?! Me? But I'm garbage! why would you like me!?"
"Well damn...i'd be glad to pick you up and take you out" he smiled
"How are you so smooth!? I don't get it!" You spat out kinda annoyed by how slick he was.
"So what do you say...? Do you like me ba-"
I felt bad for cutting him off in the middle of his sentence but I hugged him really tightly. "Yes you p-pabo!" He blushed and so did i.

"H-hey jungkook...I was just about to head outside to meet you but this works too.." you smiled at him widley while blushing. But he kept walking closer and closer until my back hit the lockers. "Jungkook~ah! What are you doing!?" He placed his right arm on the locker next to my face and looked me in the eyes.
"What do you think I'm doing?" He laughed showing you his bunny smile. "I'm confessing! Duh!"
"Like that?" you shot back like a qween.
"Yeah! Got a problem with it? I like you ok! What do you say?"
"I'd say I like you too"
"Well don't say too much..."
"Wh-" he quickly pecked me on the left cheek and ran.
"JUNGKOOK! Come back here stupid! I need your phone number!"
"Oh yeah!" He ran back and gave me his phone number along with another peck on the right cheek this time. Dang does this boy know how to make me crazy or what!?!

"So Jimin...wanna get to the math that you didn't understand?"
"Oh about that..hehe...I already knew all that...I just needed an excuse to confess my ever so strong love for you" he held his chest being the drama kween he is.
"I had a feeling you understood. It was a easy lesson anyway. Would you mind walking me home? It's getting dark and I have to pass through a p sketchy alleyway to get home..."
"Of course I don't mind! C'mon!"
He grabbed my hand and I blushed. "Thank you Jimin~oppa"
"No problem Y/N but...your hands are really cold! Here have my jacket!"
"Thank you."
"No problem! So where's your house?"
"Ugh just down that street and ally accually..." You replied while a traumatic flashback came back to you.

5~minutes later...
"Well...this is my house! Don't stalk me now that you know!" You replied giggling
"I'll try not to" his face was so serious oml
"Byeontae!" (Pervert) you hit him lightly across the chest while laughing.
"I'm just kidding!" Jimin said defending himself.
You both stood there in a nice silence just gazing at eachother with smiles plastered across your faces.
"thank you for walking me home by the way..." You finaly say breaking the sweet silence. Hearts beating very quickly.
"You're welcome beautiful." He gently cupped your cheek. The distance between the two of you quickly vanished as he laid his plump lips on yours.
"S-see you tomorrow jimin-oppa.."
You broke apart from the kiss even though you REALLY didn't want to. You finally turned around while flashing him a smile.
"Wait a second! Don't leave yet!" Jimin whispered
"Why not?"
"You have my jacket... :/"
"Come here! Stop saying sorry!" Jimin said while hugging me.
"See you!" You said once more and left for real. You looked behind you once more before you closed the door and he flashed his signature eye smile.

I JUST EDITED IT LMAO! I hope you enjoyed my first chapter of this story! I'll write more tomorrow if I have time! Bye bye! Word count: 2207

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