Part 1- prologue

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You curled up tightly as you sit in an alley. 'My friends' you thought as you cried, 'they're dead'. Humans turned against all of her friends/parents, or personifications do countries. Most of them were shot and killed by a special gun. Your dad is denmark. Your daddy told you how he helped you get away from you mother, who was always claiming you were a mistake. When you were 3 1/2 He was shot and killed. You moved in with Iceland, because all of the other nordics had their hands full. 3 weeks later, Iceland was shot and, as Norway had told you, died instantly. After living on the streets for a few days, norway found you. And again, he was also killed. Same with Finland. But Sweden had traumatized you the most. You could remember it like yesterday, probably because it was only 3 days ago.  A person had knocked on Sweden's door and you, as usual, would run up the stairs and hide yourself. At the time, you didn't realize that Sweden was about to die. You didn't know that he gave in easily only telling them that he wished that you could not see him after he died. But that wish was never fulfilled. He was shot, once through the chest and also through the head. After you heard the gunshot, you ran down the stairs and saw that Sweden was shot, but he wasn't dead ran to him and, with your tiny hands, picked up his head, tears in your eyes and gave him one last smile, and a kiss on the fore head. After you did that he smiled, and shut his eyes as he took his final breath, dying a painful but somewhat happy death. You mind came back to reality as You wrapped your tiny hand around the black satin choker with a Danish flag charm on it. Your dad was suppose to give it to you on your tenth birthday but Sweden gave it to you knowing that he wouldn't live much longer. "Hello?" You heard a mans voice call out. You curled up even more and whimpered.

That was the prologue, and the kickoff of my new series! Sorry if it was sad.

Christmas love- SATW/hetalia Sweden x readerWhere stories live. Discover now