Meeting the gang|Chapter 1|FCUniversity|

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The whole story is in Y/N's P.o.v . Aphmau,Zane, Travis,Y/N,and Vlyad are the same age
I was just graduating from high-school, and so was Aphmau, Travis, Vlyad, and ZANE😠😡💢. I have hated Zane since Freshman year in High-School. Or at least I thought I did;I have been in Collage since Orientation week. The worst part of Orientation week was that Zane was in my group"hello? Y/N? Are you there?" Aphmau asked me, waving her hand in my face. "Yeah , I'm here. Yeesh" I say to Aphmau. "I'm sorry" Aphmau says, sassing me.
"Y/N, Aphmau, Please pay attention to the facts of Photosynopsis. (Photo-Sin-Op-Sis) "Sorry , Mr.Hunter" Aphmau replied to Mr.Hunter. "I have no regrets" I say. "Y/N" Aphmau says. "F-Fine. *Mumbles* I'm Sorry" "Thank You Girls" Mr.Hunter Says. /^After Class, At Lunch^\

"Y/N, I have some people to introduce you to" Aphmau says to me"ok?" I reply to her. Aphmau leads me to a bunch of people.
There is a blond guy, a blue haired girl , A dirty blond haired guy, Zane , and a Blackhaired male. "Y/N, This is Garroth" Aphmau said pointing to the blond male. "Hello" he said"Hi, nice to meet you Garroth" I say
"This is Katelyn" Aph says"Hi Katelyn" I say.(new change of style)
Katelyn- Hi Y/N, it is nice to meet a soon to be friend.
Aphmau-This is Laurence.
Aphmau says to me.
Laurence-Nice to meet you Y/N
Y/N- hello Laurence, it's nice to meet you too
Aphmau-This is Z
Y/N- I know who he is
Zane-long time no see
Y/N- can you please go die in a hole , go to hell, and die for eternity in lava
Zane-Anger issues never changed
Aphmau-woah, woah. Anyways this Aaron
Aaron-Nice to meet you
Y/N- *mumbles* yeah, yeah. *Coughs* I mean nice to meet you too, Aaron
As much as I think of Zane as a jerk, he might be kind adorable. Wait, did I just call Zane adorable? OMI?!
I need to contain myself . 'Be the strong, independent woman you are. ' I told myself in my mind.
'am I developing feelings for my enemy- Zane? ' I asked myself in my mind.
If I am, Ewww😨😐

Well, I ended up with almost, almost 400 words, while typing this.
The current amount of the word count is 411

Thanks for reading.

Maybe Not Alone|Aphmau University|Zane X Reader|Under Major EditingWhere stories live. Discover now