Chat 2

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    Ian had always liked girls, for the longest time he couldn't help but cling to them. Yeah boys in his class would tease and such calling him gay. Yet he never felt gay so the "insults" never affected him. And no Max didn't remind Ian of a girl, even though some of his figure are a little feminine. Ian really only saw Max a guy, a cute and sensitive guy.
             Ian stood leaning against his kitchen island and sorta spaced out, holding a knife in his left hand while he rested his head in the other.
            Ian was cutting up some avocados in the kitchen, preparing a meal of some sort. While Joji and his girlfriend were getting ready for a movie in the other room. Ian was deep in his thoughts, he planned to spend a hour recording some squirrel video tomorrow and then go get drinks with Joji and his bitc- girlfriend. Not really leaving time for Max, yet he knew he would call him before bed.
"Ian, we're about to go." Joji announced softly, poking him head through the arch way of the kitchen. He was obviously sober and had a small smile plastered on his face. Ian looked up eyeing the two, giving them the same dorky smile he always gives.
"Are you sure you don't wanna come??" The girlfriend asked.

"Oh- no I'm good." Ian replied with a bash fully tone.

"He probably has another appointment with he's, he's dick." Joji told his girlfriend jokingly, lowering his voice towards the end.
Ian laughed turning his attention back to his meal, which signal the two to head out. This left Ian alone which most would say wasn't a bad thing. He swiftly set up his chips and guacamole plater and moved into his living room.
Watching some cheesy late night sitcom really "enjoying" his Saturday night.

Until his phone buzzed

Max: He really uploaded this shit
<twitter video >

         Ian looked a bit confused at the message before clicking the link. It led to a small twitter video, it was from a Ricegum video. The clip was pretty much ricegum threatening Ian if he ever made a content cop on him. All Ian could do was smile, he let out a small chuckle before eagerly texting back

Ian: That's pathetic
Ian:What did he really think he was going to gain from this. Does he expect me to drop a content cop on him tomorrow!??

Max: fuck it he'll never expect it!!😂😂

Ian: hardy har har
Ian :how do I even respond to this

Max: you don't.
Max: he did it for a reaction, if you do respond he'll make a video about the whole thing and make about a mil for it.

Ian: see that's why you're my friend 

Max: ditto.
Max: what are you doing rn??

Ian: I'm about to go to sleep, Joji and his girlfriend just left to go watch some movie downtown.

Max: oh, then can we talk?
Max: I miss your voice.

        Ian froze a bit, only feeling flattered, grinning from ear to ear. He sat up a bit and lowered his Tv volume before dialing.
           Ian adored Max, even before the whole Australia thing. Max was always someone he admired and wanted to impress, not really realizing it until he's caught gushing about him for too long. So Max telling Ian that he missed his voice only made Ian feel better.

He's all I need  (Maxian) (Chapter 2)Where stories live. Discover now