Chapter 3

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Jimins POV

I had just finished my third lesson and was on my way to the cafeteria. My friends were already there because their teacher was sick.

I walk into the cafeteria and goes to buy food. When I stand in the line I watch over the cafeteria to see were my friends are.

I get my food but I haven't seen my friends yet. Im so focused to find my friends I doesn't even see the boy that is about to run into me.

He crashed into me and I fall to the floor. All my food gets over me an I'm about to scream something really mean to him. But then I see the tears rolling down his cheeks. It's the boy from earlier today, and he's crying.

I don't want his beautiful face to be sad and I really feel like I need to protect him, I don't know what or who, but I need to protect him. I don't even know his name. He got up and says a quick and quiet sorry before he runs away.

It takes one second or two before I make up my mind, I have to follow him and protect him. It feels like some kind of chain are pulling me towards him and I quickly got up on my feet's and start to run after him.

He ends up inside the toilet. I stared to walk to the toilet he locked himself into a few seconds ago. I heard him sobbing inside and for some reason it made my heart hurt, so I knocked on the door.

"Let me in please..." I say even though I got no idea why he would.

"Why would I?" He asked.

I thought about for a minute but I don't now why he would. I mean I don't now him and he don't now me, this is basically the first time I talk to the boy. So I decided to just tell the truth.

"I want to help you" I say and first he doesn't respond, but then I hear a klick from the lock and he open the door.

Jimin POV after the panic attack

Jin and Jungkook runs into the toilet and hug Taehyung, I heard Jin call him that, and I take that like it's my time to leave. Then I see Taehyungs bag in the floor and I remember that I needed to check one thing, was Taehyung on his way to cut himself before I knocked on the door? I just needed to know because I need to protect him even though I don't know why. I take his bag fast and hide it behind my back.

I walked to a classroom that wasn't used right now. When I got in I opened Taehyungs bag immediately and searched for that one object I really hope I don't find.

I open the bag slowly and the first thing I see is... a shining sharp object. Fuck. Taehyung is hurting himself and I need to make him stop. Why do I have to make him stop? Why do my brain heart and whole body feel an urge to make him stop?

I have left the classroom without thinking about it and my foots are leading me towards the toilet that I left Taehyung on.

When I arrive at the toilet it's empty. Fuck. I still need to find Taehyung but my class has already started so I'm have to keep looking after. When I turned and started to walk in another corridor I saw him. He was alone and seemed to look after something, and that something was probably in my hand right now.

"Hey! Taehyung!" I shouted and he turned around. His eyes were first on my face but soon they saw what I was holding on.

"You haven't looked in it right?" He asked even though he already knows the answer, so instead of answering I just drag him with me.

We got into an empty classroom and I put him downstairs a chair.

"Why?" Was the first thing I asked.

He just shook his head and I could see pain in his face. His beautiful face that doesn't deserve a such pained expression.

"Just can you please... like... I know that I don't know you but I know that you are really beautiful and important to some people and that you don't deserve this pain." I say and I see his face frown.

Taehyungs POV

I frowned at the word beautiful. Like he doesn't have to lie to me. And I doubt that someone would care if I die, the only reason I'm still alive is basically the fact that I don't deserve death.

"Don't frown Tae everything I said was true!" Jimin said. Tae? Does he means me? Did he just give me a nickname. I kinda like it do...

"Tae...?" I say and by the look of his face he got a little nervous.

"Yeah... I like doing nicknames to people kinda ehhh do you mind?" He asked nervously.

"No I don't just... I've never had a nickname before..." I answered and laughed nervously.

Why did my heart race because of that nickname? Why does it feel like the world stops when he's trying too convince me that I'm beautiful? Why does his voice give me chills in a good way?

It's just like it was for a half year ago... when I had a crush on him. Are the crush coming back? Please say it doesn't, love will only make it worst... it always does.

So everyone please take care and don't do anything stupid... Jonghyuns death is not a reason to take your life even though it hurts

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