Chapter 4

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Taehyungs POV

Jimin and I had hung out in school for the entire week and today it's Friday. Even though Jimin is really popular he's not an ass, and you can almost think that he cares about me.... almost.

He would ask me if I'd hurt myself and even asked if I wanted to hung out with him after school. It's sad that I've to turn him down, my dad would kill me if I came home late... like literally kill me.

The hits have already gained and I don't need more... even though I maybe deserve more. It hurts to even breathe and I think my friends have started to get suspicious. I have also gotten uglier and fatter, I'm trying to make it look like I'm fine to Jimin so I'm eating to much every lunchtime even though I puke it up later it still makes me feel bad. And because of that my scars has also gained, but I can't do it in school anymore because Jimin follows me to toilet and even search through my bag.

Right now it's lunch time and I bought a small salad that I would have to puke up later. The only thing I eat on a day is literally an apple and maybe some vegetables, if Jin or Jungkook makes me.

Jimins friends has also joined us today for lunch. Yoongi, Hobi and Namjoon, they seems pretty nice and funny so I don't mind. Even though it's pretty uncomfortable that they know about my eating disorder and always seems to look at my food an extra time.

"Aren't you gonna eat something else?" Jimin asks me.

Everyone in the table looks up at me, it's only Jimin that doesn't know.

"Ehm.... I eat a lot of breakfast.." I said and laughed awkwardly.

"But a little extra food doesn't hurt..." he said. Yes it does, it makes me fat and disgusting.

I just laughs a little uncomfortable and one of Jimins friends quickly changes the subject.

Jimins POV

Taehyung isn't eating well today neither. He gets thinner every time I see him and it makes me worried. The worst part is that he goes too the toilet directly after and I don't even wanna imagine what he does in there... he isn't hurting himself in the school anymore so that's a plus, but at home I don't know and it's killing me.

I haven't known him for long but my urge too protect him only grows stronger. He's funny, cool, beautiful, nice and just an amazing person but... I don't think he knows that.

I'm so deep in thoughts that I don't realize that he has walked away from the table, he just nearly eat half of the salad.

"Please go after him..." Jin suddenly says and looks at me.

Why me? I look at him surprised.

"Huh why me? You guys have known him longer." I answered him.

"I see on you that you're starting too understand what he... does, and he might actually listen to you because he- seems to really care about your opinion." Jin answers and I simply nods.

I follow Taehyung and I see him disappear inside the toilet. I walk closer and hear what I think is... puking.

I started to panic, so that's what he does every day after lunch..... he pukes it up. I start to bang on the door and the person inside froze.

"Open up Tae I know you're in there!" I screamed while banging harder.

"Please just go Jimin." I hear Tae say with a weak voice.

"No please open the door and let me help you!" I said and tried not to cry.

"I don't want your help..." Tae answer after a while.

"But I want to help you..."

"I don't need your help" Tae answered and I let out a dead laugh.

"Tae you are dying please for the sake of god let me help you!" I nearly screamed. He seemed to continue what he was doing before I came. I started to cry and I heard he did the same.

"Please let me in just please..." I whispered but I think he heard.

"Jimin just.... just go." Was the last thing he said.

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