chapter one

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NOTE FROM AUTHOR- I have not spell checked anything. So, just listen to what I mean, not what I say XD


Sarah is the most annoying stepsister on the planet. That might seem rude, but honestly there is no other way to put this.

"Kylie! Come on! You've got to drive me to the park to meet up wth Ethen! You have to!" Ethen is her newest boyfriend. I think. I think in her 15 years she has had mire boyfriends then my seventeen.

"I'm coming. Stop bothering me or I wont take you at all." I said in as calm as a voice as I can.

She's been saying the same thing for the last 10 minutes. I hop out of bed and put on purple jeans and a black tank top. The quickest thing I could find. We rush out the door into my jeep and start to drive to thepark. Fun.

We get there and before I can even turn off the car she is out the jeep, running towards her dearly beloved.

I walk over to the swings and just sit, looking out to the water. When I was younger I remember coming here and talking to the water. It was my best friend. My only friend. I glance behind me at Sarah making sure that they were where people could see them.

They are cuddling. They look happy. I wish I had that. I shake my head at myself. Silly me. Thinking about love. Its not real. I know that but I don't wanna believe it. But for some reaosn I do.

"Sarah! Come on, its time to go. Say goodbye." And with that we start to drive. Until thepolice start to chase after us. I look behind and see the flashing lights and curse. I was speeding. Almost 15 miles over the speed limit. I look at Sarah. She's already fixing her seatbelt. I roll my window down and the officer comes to the window.

I give him the registration and my liscence.

"Ma'am, do know that your lisence has expired?" Igrab it from his hand and look at it in disbelief. It expired two day ago.

"No, sir, I did not." I wonder what he's gonna do about it.

"Can you please step out of the vehicle?" I did as he asked, and motions for Sarah to do the same. She was out before I was.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not permitted to let you drive with this license. I can give you a ride if you like." I looked at him in disbelief. He couldn't take away my car.

"No, that's alright. Myhouse isn't too far from here. We'll walk. Thank you though."

"I'll have a deputy pick up your car and brod nh it to you." I nodded and gave him my number.

We said goodbye and started to walk. Our house was about ten miles down but that nothing we cant handle. When I was a kid I was forced out of the house whenever my dad would have drunk parties. I used to walk straight for hours until I would tun into something.

Sarah stops and leans on a brick wall for support.

"What?tired already?" She looks at me in disbelief and points towards her feet. Oh, right, she was wearing heels for her prince charming.

I walk a little forward and see an allyway with graffitti. I don't know if you know this about me, but I'm obsessed with graffitti. Mow, ive never done it but I love the feeling.

I walk a little into the allyway, Sarah wobbling behind me. We stare at the paintings until we. Realize that we are not alone anymore. Four guys all dressed in black with spray cans are blocking our entrance back home. Shit.

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