chapter two

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  • Dedicated to Rissa_Kitty

They formed a triangle around us. My heart is pounding. I don't know what to do. I decided to ty to stay calm. I look at Sarah, trying to send the signal with my eyes to stay still but she took it wrong and started to run.

The man on the very left tried to grab her but she was too fast. Even in heals that girl was a runner.

"She 's too scared to tell anyone and too fast for any of you bitches." I stutter, tying to sound a least a little brave.

I don't know why I cussed, but I knew I had to get their attention somehow. And that I did.

They crept forward all eyes on me now. The brick wall blew blur coed me from moving anymore backwards.

"Be careful of what you say next." The boy that was directly in front of me said, in a calm tone.

I took a double take when I looked into his eyes. They were black. Well, not all the way black but it was so dark and the mask around his face didn't help any. They were beautiful.

I could imagine those eyes peering into my soul. Ripping away the wall I put up to protect myself.

I stare back as long as I can until my eyes start to burn. I look down to clear my thoughts. Those eyes were unnerving. He smirks just a little as if he were reading my thoughts.

"Yo better be on your way." He said and I look at him once again.

That couldn't be wory in his eyes could, he 's a thug. A monster.

"Now." His voice was deep, in control.

"No." His eyes widened and they seemed to get just a shade darker. "I want to watch you." I am surprising myself with this small act of defiance.

His knuckles start to whiten as his grip on the red spray can tightens.

"What do you think, Lee?" He asked the man on his left the one who tried to grab Sarah. He slipped up. I know now one of the boys name. Score for me. Lee looks at me and takes a step forward. My posture straightens as I become more alert.

u was becoming to comfortable.

"Sounds good to me, D.: Klee smirked as he turned around to continue working on his vulgar words. D. His name is D. The boy with the black eyes.

D looked at me and forced words to come out if his beautiful lips. "Be careful." Before he turned with his spray can.

I look at his back not moving, just watching. Waiting for his next move. He is working on a red rose. An evil looking flower. Its stem is black and it has long sharp thorns and what looked like blood dripping down from them.

I wonder why he chose the rose. Ironic, really, because Rose is my middle name. Kylie Rose Jepson. It was meant to be.

I shake my head slightly and walk forward to a bench. I have no idea why the state decided to put a bench in the middle if an allyway. Probably ahought the homeless could have a comfortable couch.

pretty little rick kids humorous that is. A bunch of bullshit.

Lee glances back at me and gives me a sly smile. The pervert.

D signs his piece with a very fancy D and comes sits by me on the "couch".

"Why the rose?" I ask. Hoping to learn more about this strange boy. He looked sideways and leaned towrads me.

"Because a rose, yet in all of its beauty, is dangerous."

"Why is it dangerous?" I scooted even closer to him. Our legs are now touching. He moved back, face hard and said, "Why so many questions?"

I shrugged and look at what the other boys were making. Lee was cussing the wall out. Wig so many words some of them I haven't even heard before. The two other boys were making spiderwebs. Weird.


NOTE FROM AUTHOR-whose your favorite character so far? Post in comments! XD


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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2014 ⏰

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