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Sam's POV


I sighed taking of my ridiculously high high heels and hung my red pea coat jacket on the hook by the door "Sam is that you" my 'Mothers' voice shouted I guess your wondering what happened well I was taking at the age of 14 and I am now 17 I found out the reason why the kidnappers took me is because they thought I was beautiful and one day could earn them big money so hear I am they couldn't risk anyone finding me so they changed my name I am now Barbara Palvin

I slammed the door shut and the smile wiped of my face I quickly ran into my bedroom changing into a pair of sweatpants and an oversized jumper and sat in my couch I stared in awe at the wonderful New York City view beneath and around my apartment it really was gorgeous and just when I was starting to fall asleep my ringtone "Miss Jackson" started blaring and I scrambled up to find it finding it I pressed the accept button and pressed the phone to my ear

Management = M




M:I'm sorry if we interrupted anything. But you have a photo shoot tomorrow with a band for a magazine cover

S: okay what time were and with who

M: 1:30 Vouge and 5 Seconds Of Summer

S:Thank you bye

The beeping sound indicated the end of the call I threw my phone on the couch and trudged towards the bedroom climbing into the bed and falling asleep

Okay time to get up I spring out of bed which was strange considering I'm not a morning person checking the time it was 9:15 okay I better start getting ready now I quickly had a shower and changed into some comfy clothes grabbing my bag and shoes and heard out the door quickly climbing in my car and heading towards the building

I stepped in the building just as the clock on my phone showed the time 11:16 sighing I raced towards the front desk asking her which floor the photo shoot was on before stepping inside the elevator I waited for it to climb to level 24 were the shoot was held when I stepped in the room I was pushed towards a changing room and handed some new clothes I put them on then examined them these were clothes like I had when I was younger black skinny jeans and a black singlet with a logo a 5 seconds of summer logo i walked out of the dressing room only to bump into someone and I fell landing on my ass I hissed "I'm so sorry" a strong voice answered I looked up to lock eyes with a dark haired boy he held his hand out and I took it and he helped pull me up I smiled grateful "Thank you" once again he held his hand out but this time as a handshake way "Calum Hood" I took his hand and shook "S-uh Barbara Palvin" I covered my little slip up with a smile and another firm shake He looked at me suspiciously there was something about him like an old memory but I shook it of and continued to chat with him

"Barbara Calum!" A deeper voice yelled my back went straight as soon as I heard his voice his arm slithered around my waist and I bit my lip to stop myself from screaming he was the reason why I vanished and he's also the reason I have nightmares almost every night Calum looked at me with curiosity before saying his bandmates were calling him and he walked off Jeff pulled me away from the set behind the green screen for the shooting his hand went up to my face and squashed my checks in his hand "Don't talk to him or anyone else in that band got it" "And what happens if I do" I bravely answered "You will be punished like last time" the small smirk I had on my face was ripped of his hand slid down to my neck and he squeezed lightly choking me "Got it?" I didn't respond he gripped my neck with more force "Got it" he almost yelled but it was loud enough for whoever walked past to hear it I dint respond again and this time he actually choked me I tried gasping for air my face turning red as I once again tried helpless trying to get some air into my system a loud crunch was heard and the grip on my throat was realised and I stumbled backwards hitting the wall with my head I tried to beget as much oxygen as I could before a hand grabbed my wrist.


I don't know about this story it's gonna be a whole lot of different things


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