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Sam's POV

I tried getting my wrist out of the grip it was in I was pulled up though and to hands lightly grabbed my face turning my face towards there's Calum's eyes locked mine immediately a tear slipped down my face and he rubbed it away with the pad of his thumb "What happened" he asked I opened my mouth to respond with nothing only for a sob to come out and more tears Calum embraced me in a hug as I cried into his shirt his head kept moving which means he was signalling a yes or no answer carefully turned my head to see who he was talking to a tall blond boy had his eyebrows raised and has looking at Calum questionably as I herd 'him' grunt I sprang away from Calum since I knew Jeff was waking up,

'He' sat up his eyes glancing around his eyes landing on me if looks could kill I would be dead right now he lunged for me and a body was thrown between us making Jeff fling backwards but this time be knocked out cold a hitched sigh left my mouth I stood up on shaking legs wiping my sweaty palms on my jeans "Thank you" I nodded Calum's hand gently lifted my head revealing my throbbing neck it was tender and sore and by the looks my neck was getting it must have been bad

Calum's POV

Her neck was red a hand print was clearly printed on her neck I don't know why but I felt protective against Barbara when I first met I thought there was something about her like a distant memory or something but I had shrugged it of because really? That's the stupidest theory ever but Oh Boy how wrong was I,


Jeff was taken into jail for now and I had my neck stop throbbing the pain wasn't completely gone but it was pretty not even there I sipped the coffee I now had carefully just as the members of 5SOS walked up towards me I smiled at them " I don't think I got to thank you enough" "It's fine" a colourful headed boy smiled back he held out his hand "Michael Clifford" Another boy held out his hand "Luke Hemming's" I smiled at him he had gorgeous blue eyes "Ashton Irwin" I dropped my coffee Ashton Irwin could it really be 'him' the memory came back to me A boy opened the door and I tilted my head in confusion "Samantha Hills?" He asked sticking out his hand I slowly took it and shook it lightly "I'm Ashton Irwin"

the words echoing in my head "Hey hey you okay" he asked "fletcher" I whispered out he froze his eyes widened in shock the others jaws almost hung open "Fletcher and Ashton Irwin" I whispered now looking into his eyes looking for some sort of answer but only one thing reflected from his eyes fear

The shoot had ended and I had gone to check out some images there was one of all of us I was sandwich between Ashton and Luke with Michael and Calum beside them it looked like a fan picture and I smiled at it changing back into my normal clothes and heading outside it was now becoming dark when I was grabbed by the wrist I tensed "It's okay it's just me Calum why don't you come back to ours" he smiled pulling towards the car before pushing me in then sliding next to me Ashton's and Michael eyed me from the front while Calum kept glances at me and Luke just looked out the window I can see why these guys had so many fans these guys were just cute they were super attractive.

"How did you know about fletcher" Ashton's voice growled lowly in my ear "W-who?" I stuttered out acting stupid you know exactly what I'm talking about he spat I was left in a dark room tied to a chair with him grilling me and if I'm honest it scared the shit out of me since the first time this occurred I had almost lost my v card not pleasant I cringed at the memory "answer me" Ashton growled low in my left ear "F-fine but you c-can't say a-anything to a-anyone" he nodded threw the dim lighting I could swear I saw him nod and for the first time in four years I told someone my story


Is this what a cliffhanger is like because honestly I never have written one


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