Ch 1: Preface

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Authors Note: This fanfic is dedicated to Broskifan1, I have started this in the honor of Klaroweek, hope you guys like it. This chapter is going to be short so I can know where this fanfic stands. The Originals are in New-Orleans now, no Hayley exists, and no baby drama. Klaroline have already kissed once. The originals do leave me a review so I know! Enjoy J

“The Allure Of Darkness”

-New Orleans


Elijah” Rebekah entered through the door “ where is Nik?” she asked.

“ Niklaus left for mystic falls” Elijah answered from where he was seated.

Elijah was sitting right next to the fireplace with a book in his hand; he turned to look at Rebekah, who was now making a face at him.

“ Mystic Falls! Why? He said he would never return to mystic falls” she asked question after question.

“ He got a call from Stefan” and before he could finish, Rebekah cut him off.

“Stefan? Is he alright?” she asked with an anxious voice.

“ If you let me finish, you wouldn’t be so concerned” Elijah raised his eyebrow “ he got a call from Stefan about Caroline” he finally finished.

“Caroline? That cheerleading bitch?” Rebekah rolled her eyes.

“ Watch your tong sister” Elijah got up and put his book on the bar counter.

“ I am sorry, but she strikes a nerve in me” she said, “ So what happened to her?” asked Rebekah.

“ All I know is that something bad has befallen on her” he said “ and before I knew it, Niklaus was gone” he finished with a confused face, looking for answers in Rebekah’s eyes.

“ He is in love with her Elijah, he’s been in love with her,” she said sighing, “ she was the one person, he wasn’t selfish with” she said almost jealously.

“ Is that why you odium her?” Elijah asked.

“NO! Yes, but not just that” Rebekah answered in her defense.

“ I saw them dancing together in the mothers ball” Elijah suddenly remembered Klaus and Caroline “ he really fancied her, but why did he leave mystic falls then?” he asked.

“ She was spoken for, by Tyler” Rebekah explained. Elijah had missed out on a lot because he was daggered and after he was brought back The Original family quickly moved to New Orleans.

“ The last women he cared for like this was Tatia” Elijah said looking right at Rebekah.

“ Yea. Well I am thinking of paying Mystic Falls a visit too” Rebekah said with a smirk.

“ Whatever your planning may be, it better not interfere with Niklaus. You know how he gets when he is intruded”. Elijah warned Rebekah.

“Oh Elijah, always thinking about the future” she said rolling her eyes and began to walk towards the stairs.

“ I am coming with you” Elijah’s voiced stopped Rebekah half way through the stairs.

“ Who will look after all this?” she asked.

“ Marcel is a trustworthy man Rebekah,” he said then disappeared into the hallway towards his chambers.

-Somewhere on the way to Mystic-Falls

Klaus’s heart was hounding him non-stop since Stefan’s phone call, he had hoped Caroline was fine; he was so worried about her. He had wished he never left mystic- falls but he had too, he had to get the empire his family had built, plus he had promised her, he would never return again. And now he was about to break that promise. But he had to do it, Stefan had said that Sheriff Forbes died from an anon vampire attack and Caroline has pretty much gone done hill from there. Stefan didn’t exactly mention what had happened, just for Klaus to come to mystic falls immediately and that Caroline needed his help and without another word Klaus on his way.

-       Mystic Falls

“ Any news?” asked Elena as she and Damon reached to where Stefan and Tyler were standing.

“Nothing” Stefan said defeated.

“Well find her brother” Damon put a hand on Stefan’s shoulder.

“ Yeah we will” Elena said right after Damon with a troubled smile.

“ I called Klaus” Stefan finally said.

“YOU DID WHAT?” shouted Tyler and suddenly he was furious.

“ Relax, I don’t want him here more than you. But he is the only one that could help bring her back” Stefan explained.

“He is right, Klaus can bring her back and you know it” Damon was smirking.

“ Are you guys sure, this is a good idea?” questioned Elena.

“ I don’t know, but Klaus was the only answer I have” Stefan said “ I have to bring her back, or I will never be able to forgive myself…. It was my fault, I did this to her” Stefan fell oh his knees.

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