Ch 4: The Unexpected

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AN: The storyline picks up from here! Hope you like where it’s going. Enjoy & don’t forget my REVIEW; please & thank you ;)



“ What could she possibly be doing in New Orleans?” Rebekah asked annoyed

“ Wait?” Davina spoke with her eyes closed again, murmuring a spell.

“ What is it now?” Kol asked raising an eyebrow at Davina

“She is in the French quarter” she said a little hesitated.

“ This is unbelievable” Rebekah hid half her face with her hand.

Klaus reached Davina’s side and picked up Caroline’s bracelet, “ I have to go find her before Marcel does”

“Who is Marcel again?” Damon asked.

“ Does it matter?” Stefan shoots Damon an annoyed look as Klaus begun to walk to the door.

“ I am coming with you” Stefan’s voice stopped him as Stefan begun to walk to the door, and closer to Klaus.

“ After everything?” Klaus asked fuming, as he turned to face Stefan.

“ Yes, after everything because she is my friend Klaus, But I am sure you don’t know what that’s like” Stefan fought back, he wasn’t going to leave her alone now, after all it was his fault.

“ Suit your-self” is all he heard Klaus say before he walked out of the door.

“ Well take your leave then” Elijah turned to Damon, as Davina, Kol & Rebekah prepared to head back as well.

“ Hope to see you! Never” Damon said with an evil smirk and Kol begun to laugh, Rebekah and Davina shook their head and walked out as Kol and Elijah followed; leaving the Salvatore brothers alone.

“Elena..” Stefan spoke but Damon cut him off.

“ I’ll look out for her, you go find Caroline” Damon give his brother a reassuring smile.

“ I will be back as soon as I can” he said and begun to walk towards the door.

“Damon?” he paused right before the door.

“Yeah?” he responded.

“ Thank You” Stefan said with a small but sincere smile.

“Yeah” Damon returned the gesture and with that Stefan was gone.


“ MARCELLIOUS” Klaus voice echoed in the empty French quarter “MARCEL”, as he walked deeper into Marcel’s so called battlefield with Stefan by his side.

“ He is not here,” a voice came from behind him and Klaus turned to find Henry and Diego standing by each other side, a lot like himself and Stefan.

“ And who could this be?” Henry asked looking at Stefan

“  That’s is out question at that moment” he raised an eyebrow at the two vampires standing before him “Well? Care to tell me, where he might be?” Klaus asked with a softer tone.

“ He went to look for you” Diego finally spoke. “ He took a girl there” and that immediately grabbed Klaus attention.

“A girl?” Klaus asked immediately “Caroline?” he asked.

“Blonde, Tall, stunning?” Stefan butted in, to give Diego a few hints, as Klaus just listened annoyed and angry.

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