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the robot had been stuck on this satellite for a decade now.

the only person he was forced to accompany stayed in the front room and murmured gibberish to himself, and never payed any attention to the boy. in face he had never even given him a name; whenever he was referred to he was called "project".

the satellite of hate wasn't a very roomy place. project often found himself feeling trapped, and sometimes, he would scream, or try to scream, but no sound came out. the other man claimed he hadn't programmed any sound chips into him, thus leaving him silent. project had a theory, though: once he found the perfect partner for him, he or she would be the only person able to hear his voice.

there were only little slits for windows on the roof of the satellite, and when project didn't find anything else to do he'd lay and stare up at the trillions of stars in the sky. this was his usual way to pass time, and once, it actually came in handy.

on a not very particular day, project did see the stars he usually used to keep company with, but he also saw something else.

something shaped like a bone seemed to be only a couple feet above them. upon further examination, project realized that this was indeed another satellite. it looked much bigger than their's, and maybe it could actually have people on it. not people like, whoever the man was up front (he had never given his name), but actual, caring people who listened to what you had to say, and gave you the attention and care a normal person needed.

project was aware there was an emergency exit on the ceiling, and he had tried climbing out of it multiple times. most of those attempts almost ended in success, but the other man would catch him at the last minute and grab him by his claw arm, painfully pulling him back down to the ground and locking him in the small storage room as punishment. the only thing the man knew about project was his major claustrophobia, and he used that to his advantage constantly.

but this time, it was different. the man was gone, and project was sure of that. he specifically remember him telling the other not to do anything out of order on the ship, and project, not being able to say anything, simply nodded. but, was he telling the truth to this pretty much stranger?

no, no he wasn't.

project took the usual route and climbed up onto the table the other man did his work on. once he had caught his balance, he jumped forward and gripped into the handle of the exit, and because of his weight the door swung open almost immediately. the sound of a distant alarm filled his ears, making him reach out and heist himself up onto the satellite faster. once he was on top he leaned back and shut the door.

he had done it, and the other bone shaped satellite was still mere feet above him. project lost all sense of gravity, but was able to float up and reach the door of the other satellite quickly. once he floated inside, he turned around and shut it.

he would never see that living hell again,

but he had to face what was in here.

three people, one that looked a lot like that man project had known before and two people stared at him with complete shock. they exchanged glances and looked back at project. the human gave him a wide smile, rubbing his hand behind his neck nervously.

"who, might you be?" he asked the robot.

"guys, i told you!" one of the other robots, one that looked exactly like project but golden, pointed at him. "he's the friend i asked for!"

project, for some reason, got an extremely good vibe around this being. he completely ignored the other two and walked towards the golden boy.

"and, who are you?" he asked, putting his mechanical hand forward, expecting the other to shake it. "my name is crow."

project. that's what he wanted to say, but he had dreaded that word since he was created. it wasn't even a name for a person.

so, he said the first thing that came to his mind.


the robot had spoken.

he was right.

"ah, timmy! welcome! uh, make yourself at home! you can crash anywhere!"

"timmy?" the other robot, who was a dark shade of red, asked. "i didn't hear him say anything. did you make it up?"

"no, that's what he said, right, timmy?"

project-timmy merely nodded.

"alright! i'll be right back to get you a bed, and, do you want some food, actually? i'll get you some!" crow rambled, placing his hand on the other's shoulder.

timmy didn't respond.

"i'll...uh, take that as a yes."

he watched as crow went into another room, happily whistling. something about him made the boy want everything to do with him. though they had only known each other for, what, two minutes? and timmy was very confused with the entire situation, what mattered is that he had talked, and nobody but crow heard him.

this was the person timmy and been waiting for for years now.

and he wouldn't stop at anything until the golden robot crow was his.

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