Intro: If only forever was forever

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Royalty Brown5 May

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Royalty Brown
5 May

I watched the sun in the clear blue skies burn into my burnished wood pupils as my body floated on the almost still cold waters of this great lake.

I felt like a requiem for water.

Specks of pollen on the hairs of my long eyelashes spreading to my bottom set as I blink per minute. The specks were almost as big as the freckles spread out across my cheeks, which I take after my father.

My hand moves swiftly through the water enjoying the feeling of the water moving passed my skin in the opposite direction.

I felt at peace.

Away from everybody and all of this drama that has entered my life so abruptly and rapidly. I couldn't even think to the point that i found myself diving into a lake in an expensive dress.

I remember being born.

I remember coming out from my mother's warm womb that was once my safe and secure abode.

I remember crying out loud from my diaphragm as loud as I could because I was afraid, afraid of all these new things I'd have to adjust to. I wanted to go back, but I couldn't.

The sharp harsh light of the Earth that was now my home tried to blind me,but was soon covered by a man who was a doctor. I don't recall vividly but I could feel myself being held by loving arms a few minutes later.

You'd think everyone was happy to see me, but my existence only created problems.

It was only smiles and laughter for a minute.

I didn't know then what was happening, but I remember my mother crying into the phone telling my father that I existed. She couldn't speak properly into the phone because every word was blocked by the urge to cry, a feeling of fear of what was to come.

She wanted to hide me away from him, but she had to do what was right even if it meant changing his life around completely.

Her glistening red eyes stared into mine as she uttered the news to him, but it was too late. My pictures surfaced the internet faster than the blink of an eye. The world had found out before he did.

The price of being famous.

I only knew that I was a one night stand from the tender age of 13. I had to understand fully that my dad was a muck up and my mother was a hoe for sleeping with her friend's man but I loved them both.

They both lost someone special in their lives, but my mother said I should see myself as a replacement for these people and I shouldn't worry because I was their greatest blessing.

She lost her husband and he lost his girlfriend. All because of me.

I always asked my mother whether she loved my father and her answer would always be no and my reply would always be why? She wouldn't answer me, but my father told me that when two adults are a little heartfelt and drink too much to drown away certain feelings they do stupid things.

Royalty BrownWhere stories live. Discover now