Chapter One: N.E.R.D

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|•No one Ever Really Dies•|

|•No one Ever Really Dies•|

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Royalty Brown,

Have you ever heard the phrase, "Nobody cares" well that's the same phrase that roams my mind over and over again like the only song you have on your phone when it's brand new and you can't do anything about it because there's no internet connection, or that song that your dad plays repeatedly in the car because he believes it's a classic and now your catch yourself singing the song over and over and over again. Yes, that one annoying song.

Nobody cares
Nobody cares
Nobody fucking cares.

Except, of course, Netflix;The only thing that has the decency to check on me.

"Are you still watching?"

Am I still watching? (I mean yes, Black Mirror and Scorpion ,of course) But am I watching myself? Can I even see clearly anymore without the imagery of my dad crossing my mind without checking both sides?

Who is Chris Brown? A singer, an entrepreneur, an actor, a philanthropist, a director, an artist, a dancer and foremost...a father, more than a father but my utmost best friend.

He's gone, body on earth but soul elsewhere...left me behind to wander off lost in this world that I have yet to encounter. If there was only something I could've done maybe he'd be here with me to help me and understand me like he always does.

You know that phrase that goes like " Have you ever missed someone so much it hurts so bad?", the feeling is excruciating.

What is death? Mother said "It's the end of life, the final period you add at the end of a story."

Have you ever wondered where people actually go when they die? I mean people say heaven,but what about the people who aren't Christians?

If they don't believe in heaven then they sure don't believe in hell.

Yes your corpse decays, but where does your soul go?

Does it wonder about lost around those it once loved? Does it find another body to take over? Does it go to another dimension?

So many questions to the unknown and so many answers to the known.My questions stay unanswered and the silence grows and the avoidance bends further. All they have to say is "It's safer to stick to what you know."

I always had this weird theory of mine that I call N.E.R.D (No-one ever really dies) where all the souls of the people who once roamed the earth and their story ended would go to the gates of another dimension and encounter a Garret Bobby Ferguson look alike standing by a huge neon light sign written "Welcome to the real world" and a sinister laughter evades his lips.

Royalty BrownWhere stories live. Discover now