Chapter 2

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Lest fast forward a few thousand years because nobody give a fuck about vikings and Christopher  Columbus.  Its now 2017 I have Ben in and out of adoption houses  trying to find a family no luck but whatever.  but before I go into the next on I went to a low end clothing store.  And bought a black hoodie black pants and shoes I paid for them then changed into them put the hood up to cover my face because I am one ugly motherfucker. I am from a different planet so I have super powers and all of hat shit so I teleport to Columbus Ohio because fuck it why not. Go to the nearest adoption center.  The woman at the front desk asked "are you here to adopt a child" and having the deep voice that I do I say very broadly "no" I shit you not it scared the piss out of her she asks  then why are you here I said to her I am here so I can be adopted she goes ohh ok she hand me a paper and says fill this out then I do so quickly.  Then I put it on her desk and go sit back down she asks do you want me to show you your room I say sure she takes me there its literally 20 feet away at the front near the desk and I can see the entrance and the family.  A week later this guy his wife and daughter and I can here them talking.  And I herd the word where looking for a boy about teenaged age the woman says ok she told them to go to a too. A room and she will bring some of the boys to be inter viewed for the family.  And we talked and she knows my situation so she knocks on my door and I answered.  She says we might have a family for you I was kinda excited not really though she walks in before me and says this is izendrack I call him Zen for short.  I sit down the dad  extends his hand for a greeting and I shake his hand I am able to wrap my hand around his he laughs and says you hand is huge I say ya doesn't help that I'm seven foot tall ether the girl looks up and says you're seven foot tall *forgot to mention in the beginning I took on a really heavy Russian accent* I say yes I am.  And they ask a few more questions I answer then and I answer them
And I go back to my room.

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