Rough times at a young age

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William smiled, and bounced in the car seat. His favorite song was on. And he knew tomorrow would be a good day. William was only 2, but he understood what was going on. His parents smiled from the front.
"What're you doin'?" His Dad asked him with a laugh. William just smiled, and laughed.
"You're gonna be such a big boy tomorrow, William!" His mother brightly exclaimed. William's smile got bigger.
"Ah. Here we are." His Dad said. "Our new home."
William pulled at the harness that had him strapped to the seat.
"Hold on, Willie." His mother said. She got out of the car, and closed the door. She then opened William's door, and got the seatbelt off. She then picked William up, who already struggled in her arms.
"Calm yourself, William!" She said with a laugh.
They walked inside, the furniture already placed. William looked around, frowning. This wasn't home. He didn't know where he was. His mother put William down. William walked around, his short, chubby legs slightly tripping him. He wasn't comfortable with walking yet. He had just started.
He came to a staircase. Looking up, he wondered what was up there, and had began to crawl up the stairs.
He looked down, seeing his mother bring in... someone new? He frowned and came back down to take a look.
"William, this is your big sister, Tabitha!" His mother said happily.
William frowned. He never saw this "Tabitha" girl in his 2 years of living. He grabbed her arm. Tabitha looked at him. William bit her, curious of her taste.
"Ewww! He bit me!" Tabitha wailed in her bratty voice. William frowned. She tasted awful.
"Tabitha, he's only a baby. He doesn't know better." His mother said.
"Well, that's still gross!" Tabitha complained.
William walked away, not wanting anything to do with her.

William Afton (no longer updating)Where stories live. Discover now