Teenage Years Pt. 2

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William and the man ran at each other, William being able to throw a fist at his jaw. The man tackles him, and they were soon a screaming ball of wrestles.
Which attracted people. They formed around the fight cheering.
William tried to fight back his astonishment. They were cheering for me? He questioned himself.
The man took advantage and punched me directly in the stomach repeatedly. He groaned and slammed a fist into his jaw. The guy rammed a fist into my nose, then slammed a fist into his jaw. William cried out and broke up the fight, landing backward.
The man loomed over him, fake pity all on his face.
"I'm not done with you." The man said, grabbing a nailed bat.
He slammed a foot on William's face repeatedly until his face was bloody and dirty.
He slammed the nailed bat into William's side. William screamed. William ripped the bat out, jumped up, and kicked the guy so hard, the man fell backward.
William made a run for it, but one of the guys grabbed him and held him by the neck. Just as he was about to do something, the police came and everyone left, leaving the guy and William.

William Afton (no longer updating)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon