Chapter 1: Destinations

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The wind was smoothly flowing through the vast forest, as the sins travelled trying to find their destination in the world they exist in.

"ALRIGHT! Let's camp here." Declared Jeremiah. As you know from the previous chapter, he is the sixth sin of envy. Though he seemed very upbeat and happy, his envy towards everyone was kind of crazy. How he became a sin was a mystery, though there were rumors.

"Ok. Lets get started before my precious time gets wasted." Replied Kiara.  She is the narcissistic seventh sin of Pride. She At first when you meet her, she's quiet and pure, but after you get to know her, her pride stands above all.

"I'll go get the firewood", murmured Jeffrey. He is the flaming fifth sin of wrath. He's diligent and the typical "badass". He's quick to start a fight, but isn't short-tempered, ALSO HIS WEAKNESS IS SAYING "NY-"

Sorry for that inconvenience, Now on with the story.

"Hai hai!!!" Yelled Ja'Nae. " Then me and Alana will go set up camp! But first... I'm hungry." Her stomach rumbled louder than an avalanche in Alaska. Ja'Nae is the starving second sin of gluttony. She's a crazy binge eater, that can't go 20 minutes without eating, yet she keeps a good shape.

"Okay, fine. but after that..." Alana said with seduction. "You're all mine." Alana is also known as the possessive third sin of greed; she wants everything to herself, including Ja'Nae...

"Hurry up! I want to read my book and eat my pringles." Kimberly groaned. She is the lazy first sin of sloth. She is very laid back, deadly, and an otaku from birth; she apparently enjoys Yuri on Ice and is wait for season two.

"I cannot wait! So many sins to commit!" Strangly said Candace. It would be strange if you didn't know she was the veil fourth sin of lust. She isn't what people thinks she is. She just craves everything unholy.

So, they set up camp, put a magical barrier up, and waited for the next day.


Hey!!!! Hoped you liked my first/second chapter. Tomorrow is gonna be something different... Either way, see y'all, my peeps, next time...

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