Chapter 3: Leapords

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Jeffrey was walking through the forest as a small mumble was heard from a tree. Knowing her killer instinct, Jeffrey pulled out his sword and yelled, "Come out! I know your out there!"
Next thing you know a kunai came out of nowhere and missed him. Now knowing where him target was located he threw him sword up to the tree and heard a loud sriek. A person with a red leapord camouflage outfit bounced from tree to tree trying to flee. Jeffrey whistled and her sword detached from the tree, and came back to him. Then the chase was on.
They went 900 meters before Jeffrey caught up. Probably due to all the the different sharp items he was throwing at the mysterious suspect. Jeffrey tied the person up to a tree, carried them back to camp with the fire wood.
They figured out that the person was from the Australian government, trying to assassinate them. After finding that out, Kiara teleported the the Sins to a safer forest to hide in. Afterwards, something clicked.
"Hey Kiara, can I ask for a favor?" Whispered Jeremiah, as he sneaked up on the meditating Pride.
"What do you want? I'm busy." Said Kiara.
"I want you to teleport me back to that forest. There's something I want to check for. Ppppllleeeaaassseee." Begged the envious wierdo. He looked very desperate. Normal for him though.
"No. Go away." Kiara said.
"Kiara, I would like you to teleport the both of us, if that's fine with you." Jeffrey said. He had a worried look, which wasn't ordinary.
"Okay... Since you asked I'll do it."
"Meanie," complained Jeremiah.
Kiara opened a portal and they all stepped in. They were back in the forest. They searched the perimeter and found nothing, except for Kiara. When they came back, she showed the other two something that disturbed them both.
On a tree there was a sign with text. A cross, under it there were text saying, "Enjoy your expedition, while it lasts..."
The expression on both of their faces were more serious than anything Kiara has seen before. Steam was raising from Jeffrey and Jeremiah's skin was turning to a light blue.
"What does it mean?" Kiara asked innocently.
"It's him." Jeremiah mumbled.
"But it might not be. It could be an imposter.." Jeffrey responded.
"Who are you guys taking about?!" Kiara questioned confused.
"The top of the Seven Heavenly Virtues... Hope." Jeremiah said.
"It's time to tell everyone." Jeffrey said.
"Yep. Kiara can we go back?" Jeremiah asked.
"Sure." Kiara teleported them back.
Once back at camp, they had a meeting.
"What could've been SO important to disturb my binging?" Kim queried irritably.
"Exactly! I was binging Vampire Knight while touching Ja'Nae!" Exclaimed Alana.
"I did not consent..." Ja'Nae said whimpering.
"So, what's the emergency?" Asked Neonna.
"Well, you see... We have a threat. They're called the Seven Heavenly Virtues. They work under the Australian government. The one that Jeffrey, Kim, and I escaped from. So, they're out to get us. There are actually eight of them, even though they are called the "Seven Heavenly Sins. You know how we are sins, well they are the opposite. They have more holiness in one spot more than the others. That's what gave them their powers. But their leader..... Their leader is equally holy in all spots and never comitted a sin. I know you're gonna say, "Well is he Jesus?" No. Like in most stories God is Dead. Not alive. He died somehow. I forget. Oh well. The point is, if you encounter one of them, supress yourself. Do not engage with them. What so ever. Not until we we get back Despair. Then we'll strick back." Explained Jeffrey.
"So, where are we gonna find this "Despair" guy?" Asked Ja'Nae, now eating a croissant.
"He's guarding the gate under the ruins..." Stated Jeffrey.
"What gate?" Kiara asked.
"The gate of underworld... I'm coming Kakarot..." Jeremiah said with a wierd grin on his face.

HEYO!!! I got it done my peeps!!! I decided to update early and you might get another chapter tomorrow and around Friday-Saturdayish. Who knows... Welp, hope you enjoyed this chapter. It was fun to make. Btw Disclaimer: The references made to other sources that I don't own, I don't. Like "Kakarot". Dragon Ball Z is owned by Akira Toryiama, not me. It's just a nickname used between me and my best friend. So until next time...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2018 ⏰

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