Chapter Four: A Tour and The Secret Room

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I hope you like this chapter, it should be good, at least that's what the characters are saying.


Chapter Four:

A Tour and The Secret Room

The first thing I saw the next morning, as I sat up in the bed, was that I could see a shadow on the opposite side of the door, but it didn't look like they were going to open the door anytime soon, so I quietly climbed out of the bed, and began to gently shaking Melissa awake.

"Mel, Melissa" I said, shaking her, and after a few more attempt's, she finally started to open her eyes.

"What's wrong?" She said sleepily.

"Nothing that I know of, but someone is stood outside of the door, and it is kind of freaking me out"

"Well, let's go and see who it is them" She said, as she started to get out of the bed, after putting her glasses back on.

We walked over to the door in silence, and just as I reached for the handle, the shadow moved and started to disappear. I quickly pulled the door open, and the only thing we could see and hear was the sound of laughter coming from the kitchen, and the retreating form on Nate, walking down the stairs.

"Well now we know who it was, he was probably sent to get us for breakfast" As she said that, I glanced at the clock, that was on the set of drawers that was between our beds, it was 9:53AM.

"Yeah probably, so why don't we go down then" I said.

"OK" was her response, before we started heading down the stairs.

The weirdest thing was that I was kind of nervous to go down there, and it was only because Me and Melissa were wearing some of their clothes, and it was really weird because we don't even know them, we only really know their names and that they all ride motorbikes.

But that didn't really matter now, because we were already at the bottom of the stairs, and heading towards the kitchen.

As soon as we walked into the kitchen, everyone went silent. Mama Jo was the first one to break the silence a few seconds later.

"Well good morning girls, I hope that you had a nice sleep"

"Yes, thank you" we mumbled together.

"Well don't just stand there, come and help yourselves to some food, before all of the boys eat it"

We quickly sat at the table, not answering what she had said, and I grabbed and plate while Melissa grabbed and bowl, and filled it with some cereal that I had never seen before, but she obviously liked it, and I grabbed two slices of fresh toast, before cutting it in half.

We all ate in silence, and then once we had all finished about 15 minutes later, we all made our way into the living room, and sat in the same seats as yesterday, then Jack turned the T.V on 'The Jeremy Kyle Show', and Mama Jo told us that her and Dan were going to go out and by some essentials for us and I mentioned that we needed tooth bushes as well and she agreed to pick some up, and that the rest of them should give us a tour, which only Jack, James and Nate agreed to, while Lucas just sat there staring at the T.V.

Mama Jo and Dan left at around 11AM and we all carried on watching the T.V for awhile before Jack said that we could go on a tour now if we wanted, and me and Melissa both agreed.

They started off by taking us outside and pointing off to all of the cabin's that were spread out in front of us. James told us that they belonged to people of all different ages, and that there was a huge building after the cabin's where the meetings were held. And then they took us back into the house and pointed out that the door that was under the stairs, lead to the basement, but nobody was aloud down there, and that the room opposite the living room was a games room, but only had a few games in it, and as we looked in I could see Lucas playing on a pinball machine in the back corner of the room, near a punch bag. We were then lead us up stairs, and pointed out that our room was the spare guest room, and then the toilet, and then as we walked further down the hall they pointed out Mama Jo's room , which was on the same side of the hall as ours, and then pointed out Dan's, who's was opposite her's, we then turned back around and lead us down the hallway on the right side of our bedroom.

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