Chapter 1

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She remembered all those times that he was cruel to everyone. She remembers how her guild members begged him for help but he said that he would only help if she became his woman. She was disgusted by him.

Then he pulled the stunt of trying to take over the guild. How pitiful. She knew that with his cocky and arrogant attitude he would get nowhere in life. He was rude, and she despised him. Sure she would admit, when she first laid eyes on him she thought he was gorgeous. But his looks wouldn't get him anywhere if he wasn't as great on the inside.

Memories of the things he did flowed into her mind as she stood in shock when she heard the words leave the masters mouth. 'Another thing as guild master is that I here by state that Laxus is now a member of Fairy Tail again.' That is what Gildarts' note he left for Makarov had said.

She watched as Laxus' team swarmed the said lightning Mage with tears in their eyes. She didn't hold a huge grudge against Laxus though, as he did help them on Tenrou island. But she knew deep down inside that she still had a bit of hate left towards him.

When his eyes locked with hers she had to look away. She didn't know why but she just couldn't handle looking at him at the moment. She felt the urge to leave but held her ground. She knew if she left right now all eyes would be on her. Boy did she need a drink.


Lucy sat at the bar with a drink in her hand, mulling over what had happened only a few hours prior. For some reason she couldn't get the memories of the evil Laxus out of her head. She knew that he had changed.

With a heavy sigh, she stood up and placed some jewel on the counter before waving at Mira and leaving, not noticing the deep green eyes that watched her intensely as she left.

When she made it to her apartment, she quickly undressed and slid into her bed, letting her dreams take over.

"That's not true, I've seen him before." A deep rumbling voice came from the second floor.

Lucy looked up and saw a man with spiky blonde hair, green eyes that had a lightning shaped scar across the right one, a smirk plastered on a rugged face, broad shoulders and a wide chest that went down to a slim yet muscular waist and hips, with long legs that were crossed over one another.

He was wearing a leopard print dress shirt, a large black jacket with white fur drape over his shoulders, and black leather pants.

Lucy had no idea who he was but she had to admit, he was handsome. She soon learned that his name was Laxus, and that he used lightning magic. He was an S-Class Mage and his strength rivaled even Erza's.

That was the first time she met him.

"Master's seriously injured, and we can't seem to locate Mystogan. You're the only one left that we can turn to, help us, Laxus." Mira pleaded to the lacrima that was placed on a table. "We could really use you about now. Fairy Tail is in terrible danger."

"Man, Makarov is freaking pathetic!" Laxus cackles. "I don't see how this is remotely my problem. You're big girls, so deal with it yourself."

"So you're not gonna help us?" Cana frowns.

"'Course not. Why would I? That senile old toad started this. Why do I have to be the one to clean up his mess?" He smirks at them.

"Please, Laxus. Phantom's trying to kidnap Lucy." Mira begs.

"Who? Do I even know her? Oh, wait, is it that knew girl? I'll tell ya what, if you can talk Blondie into being my woman, I'll do anything she wants." His smirks grows as Cana steps forward.

"You are such a pig!" Cana yells at him.

"Are you sure you wanna talk that way to the guy you're beggin' to help ya? Do me a favor, if that geezer manages to pull through this time, tell him he's over the hill and he should hand the guild over to me!" He gives a wicked laugh before the lacrima shatters into pieces.

Lucy was disgusted when she heard about that conversation.

"Why don't you tell the others how you feel!"

Lucy turned when the angry voice of Erza was heard after a barrel went flying and hit Natsu. She was arguing with Laxus.

"I have no problem tellin' them what I think of 'em. This guild is full of nothing but losers and weaklings! Especially the two of you morons." Laxus grinned and turned to look back at Jet and Droy. "You were Phantom's personal punching bags. Y'know, I'm glad I never bothered to learn your names." He then turns and locks eyes with Lucy. "Which brings me to the worst of them all, the rich little princess wanna be wizard. This was your fault."

"Laxus! Would you shut up? The master said no one in the guild was to be held accountable for what happened, not even you. Despite the fact that I begged you to come help and you turned your back on us!"  Mira yells.

"Stop your wining! That fight had nothing to do with me. But if I had been there, you wouldn't be drowning your sorrows in this pile of rubble right now!" His grin then turns devious.

"Why you-" Erza yells only to get cut off as Natsu steps ahead.

"I've heard enough to outta you!" Natsu then rushes towards Laxus with his fist ready to connect with the blonde man. But before he could land the hit, Laxus vanished, only to appear behind him. "Come on Laxus, fight me like a man, you gutless coward!"

Laxus just place his hands on his hips and laughs. "How do you expect to fight me when you can't even touch me, you dimwit! I can't wait to inherit this place and kick all you weakling to the curb. Your days in Fairy Tail are numbered, kids! Things are gonna be a whole lot different around here, so I guess you losers are gonna have to find a new place to hang out." He gives one more laugh before disappearing completely.

That was the second time they met.

Lucy slowly awoke from her onslaught of dreams and glanced to her window. She sighed as she realize it was still dark out. She closed her eyes again, hoping with all she had that the dreams about Laxus didn't continue.

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