A new face, but let the hell of teasing begin

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???? POV.

Walking with Ender trying to find this apartment building is hard, since Ender only listens to Funneh and since she isn't here he won't listen to me and reading a map and trying to calm down a dog is not what I call easy

Gold's POV.

I herd the door bell and I can't get it since I'm cooking lunch "Funneh can you please get the door !?" I herd her groan "Do I have to ???" She keeps whining "Fine I'll get it, there happy !?" She turns her head and smiled and said "Very happy" i need to keep in mind to kill her after this

I opened the door and a girl with brown hair and gold eyes with a dog that has black fur and purple eyes.
My eyes widened and I shouted "Funneh get over here !!" I herd her groan and she came but the dog jumped on her and she made contact with the floor "Ahhh Ender !?!!!!!! What are you doing here ??? Get off of me !!!" He quickly obeyed and got off I turned my head to the girl and hugged her with all my might

"Kara where have you been all this time big sis !?" I jumped and asked her with millions of questions about where she was and itd.

"Gold calm down and I have been traveling and when I got back home to mom and dad and when I asked them where you were and they told me so I brought Ender with me sooooooooooooooooo yeah ! Buuuuuut I herd from Funneh you have a crush on someone~" she said in a teasing manor

I can already tell that I have a murderous aura around me "Funneh~ what did you tell her~" I said in a singing voice "Oh yeah well um I have only one thing to say good luck with Kara teasing you !"

And she ran out the door to god knows where "Oh Gold~" I looked at Kara and she has a grin with a aura that said 'tell me everything and I'll hook you up with your crush' type of aura and with a forced smile I answered "God please help me" and she started teasing me till I fell asleep.

Funneh x AlecWhere stories live. Discover now