Chapter 2: Wiess Schnee

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Over on the other side of the world was a kingdom named Revetment. In the town of Revetment lived a young girl with pure white hair and crystal blue eyes. Her skin was as pale as a ghost's and her voice was like an angels. People from all over would come to hear her sing as she is known as the snow queen. Her father on the other hand was the head of their families' businesses. He loved making his daughter sing for it brought him more money. As the days went by the heiress grew tired of singing and decided to transfer to Beacon Academy where she could become a better fighter and get away from her father. As it became closer to the day she would be free of her father she had a visit from her mother "Knock Knock, Weiss are you in here honey?" the heiress (Weiss) looked at the door and smiled "Yes Mother" her mom opened the door and smiled "So do you need any help packing?" Weiss nodded and turned to her suit cases "I have a lot of stuff I need to take with me so some help would be nice." Weiss' mom nodded and walked over to help Weiss pack.Weiss' plane landed at the Beacon Airport. She smiled warmly for she was finally away from her father. She got into the limo, and headed for Beacon hoping for a better life. When she finally arrived she smiled at her new school, and home. Weiss watched as a girl walked up to her; lost Weiss walked over to the girl, and asked," Is there something wrong?" The girl looked at her, and said," Yes, I am a little lost." When Weiss looked at the girl she blushed; for she had a secret. She was the kind of girl who didn't like guys; she liked girls. The girl smiled," Hi, my name is Ruby Rose." Weiss smiled at the girl as she heard the name, 'Ruby Rose'. "My name is Weiss Schnee, the heiress of The Schnee Dust Company. Your name suits you perfectly."  Ruby smiled "Thanks! Your's does to! How about we both go to the auditorium together?!" Wiess looked at the girl a little confused "Um why would you want to go with me?" Ruby looked confused "Because your sweet and you seem like you'd be a great friend. Even if you're rich it doesn't matter, I look for the person inside of you not the one on the outside. Plus if we stick together we'll find it in no time!!! Oh and my sister said she saved me a seat so we can sit together!!!!" Wiess blushed at the little red head for she was so energetic and kind "Ok let's do it!" Ruby turned "Really?" Wiess nodded as Ruby quickly grabbed her hand and started to drag her along. Wiess' arm eventually started to hurt and she decided she had to say something "Um Ruby can you please slow down your starting to hurt my arm?" Ruby stopped and turned around "Oh my bad Wiess I didn't mean to go so fast!" Wiess smiled "It's fine just please go just a little~ bit slower?" Ruby nodded and slowed down just enough for Wiess and her to be side by side. After walking for a few minutes they can across a guy. He had blonde hair, blue eyes, he wore a black hoodie with armor over it, and had a sword strapped to his chest. Ruby looked at his sword in amazement "Wow is that a broadsword?! Ooooo is looks like a classic!" The boy turned to look at the two girls and blushed when he saw Wiess "Um yeah it is. What's your names?" Ruby smiled "I'm Ruby and this is Wiess! I'm a real nerd when it comes to weapons, can I hold yours?" The boy smiled "Sure and by the way the names Juane Ark, sweet and it roles off the tongue and lady's love it!" Ruby looked at Juane a little curious "They do? Where's your girlfriend?" Juane rubbed his head "Well you see I haven't got a girlfriend yet. But if either of you to would like to go out with me then I'd be happy to accept!" Wiess started to get angry with Juane for he was flirting with her Ruby! Wiess gently grabbed Ruby's coat and started to drag her away. Ruby was confused and started to try and break Wiess' grip. After trying to escape Wiess finally released Ruby. Ruby wanted to yell at Wiess but when she saw the mix of hatred and sadness she knew something was wrong "Wiess are you okay?" Wiess looked at Ruby fiercely "No I'm not okay that guy just tried to flirt with us! Then he just blankly ask us out like we're some winners of a great prize! I'm sorry Ruby, but I think we both need to stay away from him." Ruby smiled and gently hugged Wiess "Wiess it's okay to be angry at someone, but I think if we gave Juane another chance we all could be great friends! Oh and just so you know he wasn't flirting with us he was flirting with you. He was looking at you the whole time and only asked me out to make you jealous." Wiess looked astonished "Really?" Ruby nodded "Oh well to be totally honest I'm not into that type of guy" Wiess smiled as she thought 'or really any guy for that matter'  Ruby smiled back at Wiess as she thought 'Wow Wiess isn't into guys like that? I wonder what her type is? Hmm I probably shouldn't tell her mine seens how I'm into girls instead of guys.' (Yes Ruby is just like Wiess) Wiess looked at Ruby and decided they should probably get going "Hey we should get going before we're late?" Ruby nodded and started to turn around when all of a sudden a girl wearing a black bow and a white crop top, along with a black jacket and shorts. She was reading a book as her long curly black hair flowed down her back and her black leggings slowly fade to purple as they go closer to her black ankle boots. Ruby was curious about the girl and slowly walked towards her "Um excuse me, do you know how to get to the auditorium?" The girl looked up from her book to see Ruby walking towards her "Sure you keep going straight her then you turn left when you get to the statue. After that the auditorium should be right in front of you." Ruby and Wiess looked in the direction she had pointed to and turned to thank her "" As soon as they turned to thank her the girl was gone. Wiess and Ruby decided to shake it off and walked to the auditorium in order to meet up with Yang. Once in side Ruby and Wiess run over to Yang. Yang smiles as she looks at Ruby "Come on sis hurry! It's about to begin!" Ruby runs over there dragging Wiess "Hey Yang, I want you to meet my new friend Wiess!" Yang looked at the girl and smirked "Ahh well my name's Yang! I'm Ruby's sister!" Yang slowly leaned down and whispered in Ruby's ear "You better make her your's before I do. She shore is a cutie." (Yes Yang is also a lesbian) Ruby blushed at her sisters comment "YANG!" Yang just grinned as she  shrugged her shoulders. Ruby started to pout and Wiess thought it was the cutest thing ever. Wiess started to say something when suddenly a women with blonde hair tied in a bun walked up on stage. She was wearing a white shirt that showed cleavage, black leggings, glasses, black high heels, and had a whip attached to her side. Wiess looked at the lady with disgust. How could someone dress like that in an academy like so. But Wiess soon got jealous when she heard Ruby say "Professor Glynda Goodwitch."  Yang turned to her sister "You know her?" Ruby nodded her head "When I was chasing after that robber the other day she helped me out, but soon after tried to slap my hand with her whip. She said I needed a pat on the back and a slap on the wrist for what I had done." Wiess huffed "What kind of person says that! You did what no one else would do and stood up for others! Even if it meant risking your life!" Ruby smiled "Anyway because of her I was able to meet Professor Ozpin, but I really hope I never have to be in that room with her again. She's scary!" Wiess smiled and gave Ruby a pat on the back "Well even if she isn't proud of you I sure am! And Yang agrees with me!" Ruby turned to Yang "Really?" Yang smiled and gave a nod telling her sister she was proud. After Glynda finished her speech a man with silver hair and green eyes walked up to the mic. He was wearing a  dark green suit with a light green under shirt and scarf. He held a cane in front of him as he spoke "Today you have come to Beacon hoping to seek knowledge and skills. We'll I'm here to tell you, you won't gain the knowledge you think you will. Now tomorrow meet us at the cliff to learn who your teammates will be for the next four years. Dismissed." Wiess looked at Ruby "Was that professor Ozpin?" Ruby nodded "Yep, but he seemed a little happier when we first spoke. Hmm he maybe be really busy? Oh well let's go get some food in Vale!" Wiess and Yang smiled as they followed Ruby to the transport station.

Well I hope you enjoyed!!! I'm still really new to this kind of Fanfic. But I won't keep this message long. So anyway Bye bye until next time!!!

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