Chapter 7. The Party #2

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We walked through the mass of people as he led me into an enormous kitchen, there were a few people sitting at the kitchen isle. He was still holding my hand, it felt weird and nice.
We approached a big refrigerator and he opened it and looked around.

"What would you like?" He asked again.

"I would kill for a cold milkshake right about now," I said with a straight face.

He looked at me blankly then broke into a smile.

"You're taking the piss, aren't you?" he laughed lightly.

"Why? What's wrong with a milkshake?" I asked.

"You really are serious?" He looked at me somehow surprised.

"Well, there's beer, and lots and lots of beer, there's vodka, gin and more and more alcohol." He said looking over the fridge grabbing himself a bottle of beer.

"I'm sorry, I don't drink," I said walking over and sitting on top of the isle.

"Well, there's a bottle of sparkling water if you would love," he looked at me.
"That would be great," I answered.

He poured me a glass of it and handed it to me. He stood opposite me and took a swig of his beer.

"So, what's your name?" He asked looking at me.

"I'm Ella, Ella Crofton," I said.

"Okay, nice to meet you, Ella, Ella Crofton," he said amusedly.

"No, I meant I'm Ella Crofton," I said suppressing a laugh.

"I know, Ella, Ella Crofton." He answered now literally laughing.

"It's not funny," I crossed my arms and tried to look serious.

"Okay, don't be cranky. I'm just teasing." He smiled at me.

The atmosphere in the house had gotten a lot more warmer and the music was louder than before.

"I'm Da...." he tried saying something through the music but I couldn't hear.
"I'm sorry, I can't hear you." I shouted.

He came closer and stood almost between my legs where I was seated on top of the isle and leant his face closer to mine

"I said I'm David Brock."

His breath felt hot on my ear and neck and I couldn't think clearly. That was when I noticed how pink and full his lips were. Then his hair, how curly could it get. It was long, brown and shiny,
just added him to the list of men with better hair than I, sigh.
He also had dimples and really green eyes. I mean really really green eyes. I looked into those eyes and I could see something beyond them.
They felt dark and mysterious.
They also held kindness and gentleness.

My fingers began to tinge. I wanted to draw.

This man right here was adorable.
It was at that moment that I realised I hadn't thought of Felicity that entire time as this man displayed a sense of nonchalance that spread to me and the aura around him just made me feel safe and secure.

"There you are," came Felicity as she eyed me walking towards us.

"I've been looking everywhere for you," she added.

"Looking? You left me alone for 10yrs," I pouted.

"Oh hush, don't be dramatic. I'm sorry. I went to get our drinks then I got caught up in a little chitchat with Liam," she apologized.

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