Poem #8, Untitled

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Green grass whispers in the wind

Dotted with patches of white lilies

Buzzing with bees and butterflies

A small river runs in the valley

Lazily flowing, going nowhere

Air clear and fresh

Filled with the soft sounds of cicadas

Puffy clouds float along

White as the new fallen snow

But with them something

New, something strange, something ominous

Time passes, things change

The green grass ripped up

Replaced with cold hard stone

The bubbling river filled in

Forced underground

The clouds gray and solemn

Striking fear with violent storms

And acidic never ending rains

The once clear air replaced by smog

Filled with only noises of

Construction and grinding metal

But still, time goes on


Hey guys, thanks for reading! I hope you liked today's poem! Have a wonderful day!

Signing off -Windgal

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